I've tried to put myself in RW's position on this one. There are lots of stakeholders: his ego, people in his life, the Board, the Media/Puiblic, Shareholders.
I don't expect him to say or communicate anything more until the investigation is settled. And if I was him, I wouldn't want to sign the new contract until the investigation is settled, because if he does sign and the Board is equivocal on the outcome of the investigation, then it stirs up a whole new debate about "is the contract still right and valid" and "did the Board set its terms with knowledge of the full facts?" No thank you, I'd rather avoid all that.
So, the less said the better. Let the investigation run down all possible rabbit holes, and then see what the Board makes of it.
This has added a goverance-type risk to holding this business and, as a result, I now only hold 50% of my target allocation. My thesis is still intact, but there is a real unknown in how this plays out and so I have tempered my appetite for the long term upside of holding the business, because of that risk. But I don't think the risk is large enough to walk away altogether.
RW is in the driving seat here. He directly owns almost 40% of the company, and probably effectively controls or can influence over 50%.
And definitely, anything in the media on this needs to be taken with several grains of salt, given what we have seen last year.
Disc: Held in RL