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5 years ago

Thank you for the notes on the AGM @Rapstar.

Did you also attend the "Innovation Update" accompanying the AGM? Did anything interesting/significant come out of that presentation?


5 years ago

Yes, certainly did - the key takeways were in my notes - about initiatives around wish lists and the like......


5 years ago

Thanks for that once again. Much appreciated.

5 years ago

Speaking about investing at/near inflection points (in the CGL thread), the market sure is baking in a steep inflection with TNY.

I sold down during the last run below $3 to manage risk, and my sell is looking silly today!

5 years ago

The recent breakout has been fast and furious. Hope all holders have been enjoying it. I sure have!

5 years ago

Excellent Straw @StrongFlatWhite (#Does Buffet Eat Beans (Tiny)?).

To answer your question, when you endorse another user's valuation it will replace your own as we reckon it makes sense for each investor to have only one value estimate. IE. Does it make sense for you to think Tiny Bens is worth BOTH $1.28 and (say) $1.50. Of course, you could reasonably have a range of values, and 'like' the valuation from someone else while still preferning your own estimate, but we're just trying to keep it simple. I hope this makes sense. Of course, if a majority of member's disagree, we'd be happy to change this -- we're all about making Strawman as useful as we can for our community. If anyone has any thoughts, please don't hesitate to let us know in this thread.


5 years ago

Perhaps just add a warning such as "Endorsing this valuation will have the effect of making this your own valuation and will delete any other valuation you may have previously saved for this company. Do you still wish to endorse this valuation?" Some of the issues that some of us have with this site isn't so much the theory behind what occurs so much as that some of it occurs as a surprise to us. Other times it's how things happen. Sometimes it's why? For example, when straws got deleted immediately when they were larger than 2,500 characters - without any warning - or explanation - that was a pain!! That has been completely fixed now - 5,000 character limits for straws with a character count and a warning to reduce content before saving when it's over the limit. Perfect. A second - or alternative - suggestion for handling the valuation endorsement issue - is that you could have a "like" or "vote up" option to give users the option to indicate that they like the reasoning behind somebody else's valuation, without necessarily having their own valuation deleted. Exactly as you have for straws. I would still prefer that warning step on the "endorse valuation" option be added however, so that it's clear what will happen if they go down that path.


5 years ago

Excellent points -- thanks Bear77. The warning is a no-brainer, and we'll have a ponder about the like.