Forum Topics CSL CSL CSL Ltd General Discussion
Added 2 years ago

I like to don the AirPods and tune into ‘the Call’ while I’m doing chores around the place. There’s generally not much I take away from Mathan Somasundaram, but there’s one thing he is spot on about. When BHP is having a good day, CSL is having a bad one! Day traders like to swap between the two. That creates a great buying opportunity if you are a bull on CSL. CSL is our second largest holding, yet I’m still excited (and it’s not because BHP is our largest holding, IRL 15%).

Disc: Held IRL (10%) SM (18.6%), Adding IRL today.

Added 7 years ago

I agree that CSL is a great company -- one of the best on the ASX -- but can't get my head around the valuation.. Would love to see a valuation from those that are holding, along with some growth assumptions. Just ballpark thoughts. I might have this one totally wrong. Have certainly missed out before by not paying up for quality..