Forum Topics KDY KDY #notSaas

I have to agree with @techbunny here,

I'll caveat this by saying I haven't followed the company in the last 3-4 months but SaaS depends on their marketplace offering which was due to launch early 2021 but was pushed back. They are a logistics company or wine shipping company. Management is overly promotional, misleading with announcements, and this stock was ruthlessly pumped by option holders in the FB groups (as bunny mentioned), which might explain why the share price has cooled off. Something to consider as well is does your thesis revolve around a rollup/acquisitions for growth or organic growth? So far they're relying on acquisitions for growth.


3 years ago

Fellas, Please note I am not fighting for the company here - the post was intended as a warning for others without directly badmouthing the company to encourage others to make their own mind up about it.

Management is overly promotional, misleading with announcements   - agree.

They are in simple terms a wine shipping/logistics company - agree.

This stock was ruthlessly pumped by option holders in the FB groups - I'm unaware of this, but it sounds legit - agree.

They're relying on acquisitions for growth - agree.

But I guess I am also interested in the discussion around what makes SaaS and can a company just label themselves SaaS? Wiki says SaaS is a software licensing and delivery model. I've only skimmed the annual report. Notes 8 and 9 (pg 45) talks to no revenues from software sales or software licencing. Is there an additional market place offering coming? I couldn't see it in my skim read.

DW8 is not a SaaS company - agree. ... I'll go delete my post.


Hi @reddogaustin,


No need to delete your post and no harm done :) Just thought I'd throw some support behind techbunny as this is a company I did a deep dive on last year and agree with what he's said.