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My DTS funds were deposited into my account yesterday. Hope everyone else's payout has been sorted.


Thought I'd give an update on my DTS payout. I was very slack with my correspondence and only filled out and emailed the paperwork through on September 27th. Today I received a Chess holding statement to adivse I no longer hold DTS. While I haven't received my payout, hopefully this means the wheels are in motion.


3 years ago

Any progress here? I am still waiting - have heard crickets and am kicking myself for not selling at 22.5c whilst it still traded!

UPDATE 28/11: Received a cheque in the mail (why?) for the balance of my holding. Fairly long delay, but finally got paid!


I received a phone call and subsequent email on Thursday from Automic(?), whoever the relevant registry is, that they needed a copy of my passport for the Israeli tax exemption. I thought it was odd as I had submitted this already but at least I know they're doing something and haven't forgotten me.


3 years ago

FWIW; called Advanced Share Registry today to follow up and was advised a cheque had been posted to me last week.

Wheels in motion it seems.

3 years ago

Hi Rowey27 -- i received my funds on Sep 21. It's ludicrous that AWS reckons they havent received a date for payout. 

I'd call back and if you cant get someone to help you, ask to speak to a supervisor.

Sorry to hear you're having problems.


3 years ago

I too haven't yet received anything.

It doesn't help that I had not entered my bank details in to the registry for DTS *FOREHEAD SLAP*

I called the registry to see if I could add them now or cancel the cheque (which there was no information about) and was advised the ability to add/amend my bank details has been closed.

It seems as though I now have to wait for the Israeli tax authority to sign off on my receiving the full amount of the value of the shares without being taxed. *SECOND FOREHEAD SLAP*



Neither have I.