I have noticed that the ASX have been adding stuff to their site lately, and I would not be surprised to see them move to a tiered structure where you can still get basic data for free but would have to pay a monthly or annual subscription fee for the more in-depth analysis and data, possibly including historical data beyond a certain timeframe. They might be trying to increase their functionality in preparation for that, so that more people would be inclined to pay the fees for the greater access. Just a thought. Of course I could be on the money with that idea or I could be completely wrong. Don't know, but it wouldn't surprise me if that's what they were gearing up for, starting with their recent full website overhaul.
I would be surprised if the ASX was allowed to provide a broking service, as there would clearly be conflicts of interest there between the ASX and the licensed ASX Market (Trading) Participants that are their clients, i.e. the ASX would essentially be competing with their own clients. I'm sure that as Australia's largest Securities Market Operator, there would be something that prevents them from also becoming a market participant, i.e. a broker.
Would be interested if anyone could confirm that or shoot it down?