Forum Topics New Email Alerts
3 years ago

Hi Strawpeople -- we've just added new notification settings and email alerts to the platform.

This means you can now customise the types of notifications you receive, and elect to be notified via email when certain events are triggered.


To adjust settings, click on the Bell Icon at the top right of the page and select "All notifications & Settings"


From the notifications page, hit settings:


You can elect to have notifications email as they are triggered, but to save us spamming your email we'll batch up notifications over 15 minute intervals. Otherwise, we'll just send you one email at the end of the day.

Please let us know if you spot any issues, or if you'd just like to offer some feedback or further suggestions.


3 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention that you can now tag individual members!

Using the @username format, you can ensure a particular member is notified when you mention them.

EG. @Bear77 or @CanadianAussie

The next step will be enabling private messaging between members...


3 years ago

That's cool! Thanks @Strawman

Just a question about the 'When my price alerts are triggered' notification - what's that functionality do? Is it referencing the end of day price vs valuation or is it something else? Will it just do that once or will it notify every day?


3 years ago

Hi @Noddy74 -- the price alert notification trigger is set off once we get fresh prices (usually 6pm AEDT), and the end of day email should come through at 7pm. Otherwise it will be emailed to you within 15 minutes of the trigger going off.

If you set a price alert above the last traded price, it's triggered once the close price reaches or exceeds your alert price.

If you set a price alert below the current price, it's triggered once the close price reaches or goes below your alert price.

I try and use them as a reminder for when a price gets to a point I'll consider buying or selling


3 years ago

That's been there the whole time? I need to open my eyes. I wonder what else I've missed...


3 years ago

good addition with being able to @ people now.

Unfortunately I am not so keen on enabling private messaging. I hope this doesn't take away the quality discussion on the main forum. eg people will discuss bull vs bear case between them through private conversation rather than in the open forum for everyone to read.


3 years ago

The idea is that people have to opt into private messages. If members don't want to be contacted directly, we'll respect that.

I don't expect it to reduce the volume of content shared on the site, but as with all new features we'll keep a close eye on things and will he very receptive to member feedback.

Will keep you posted.


3 years ago

The next step should be minting our profile pictures as NFT's and turning every straw into part of a StrawChain. After that we can have our own continent in the metaverse - and there's already a dummy stock market to build long term wealth!


3 years ago

Agree wit Jx4. Private groups have the potential to splinter the main group


In relation to jayjayjayjay and yourself's concern,

I can't speak for everyone but private messaging WILL NOT detract from me contributing on the main forum and it will not cause me to discuss bull and bear cases only in private. Many people can already do this via Twitter or other means anyways. I believe the benefit to having this on Strawman is that it will remove friction and allow better discussion of certain points that can flow through to the main forum as well as potentially freeing up clutter if people want to network or discuss other things.

I wouldn't be the investor I am today without Strawman and feel a duty to give back and share. Part of strengthening my investment process is to PUBLICLY put my research and thesis out there. It holds me accountable. If I'm doing this in private I'm only doing a disservice to my own investing and learning.

I've learned in life that the more you give to those around you the more you get back. Those who treat life like a zero sum game (you have to lose for me to win) tend not to fair well in the long-run.

Just my thoughts.