Forum Topics Glitch
5 months ago

@StrawmanI think this might be a glitch. @neke86_ added a valuation for QIP recently, however it doesn’t appear in the list of reports for QIP. I can find it by clicking on neke86’s profile in the consensus under QIP, but not on the report list. The valuation appears as the green dot on the chart. Can you replicate this issue on your device?


5 months ago

hmm, i see what you mean @Rick . It looks like they posted this prior to upgrading to Premium, so that's probably why it isnt showing up in the consensus tab. Leave it with me and we'll get it sorted.

2 years ago

We FINALLY got a response from S&P in regard to why the pricing data for some ETFs are not available.

To quote:

Hi Andrew,

Hope you're well. Thank you for your patience while we were working with our internal data team.

Please find below the response from our data team and let me know if you have any follow-up questions on this.

ASX: GOLD - The instrument type of this listing is a Structured/Hybrid product, a physically backed ETC, as per prospectus and we do not have coverage of pricing data for structured products from the vendor. So, no pricing data is available for this listing.

OTCPK: EAUS.F – as per the vendor the security type of this listing is Exchange Traded Commodity as per source.

So, an ETC (Exchange Traded Commodity) instead of an ETF. The vendor does not have an ETC coding yet for the data field ‘North American Minor Type’, for the CUSIP Q3635T113 of this listing, that's why this is tagged as ETF.

In a normal scenario, the security is the same across the listings, but our vendor is reflecting OTCPK as ETF and ASX as structured/Hybrid security. The vendor has a database limitation at their end due to which they are considering these two listings differently and this is pending future Development work from the vendor.

This is, of course, ridiculous. Essentially blaming semantics for not providing pricing data for certain ETFs.

Frankly, I'm fed up with S&P. We pay a lot of money for end of day price data and ASX licensing, and the standard of service is very poor -- it took over a week just for them to confirm they dont provide this data!)

Sometimes prices don't come through, delisting and other corporate actions take a long time to filter through, and a variety of specific data points often just disappear. Having tried to escalate complaints in the past, i was once told by a senior manager that we'd probably be better off sourcing our data elsewhere!! (we're just too small for them to give a damn -- but not too small for them to charge us subscription fees..)

Anyway, this isn't something members should have to worry about, but I wanted to share in the spirit of transparency and also to see whether anyone had any suggestions for alternate data providers. One thing to keep in mind is that changing out the backend integration is very fiddly and costly -- we've previously moved from Morningstar as they were also hopeless. So sometimes it's better the devil you know. Any alternative needs to not only provide pricing, but also dividend data (ex-dates and values), indices (eg ASX S&P300), corporate actions (eg de-listings, mergers, share splits/consolidations etc). There's loads of people that provide prices -- it's these other things that make it tricky...

But if anyone knows of a good source of data, please DM me!

2 years ago

Seeing there is a glitch thread - I can't seem to buy any GOLD ETF.......


2 years ago

What Gold ETF did you want to buy @Rapstar -- I'll add manually if we've missed any.

ASX:GOLD and ASX:QAU should be available


2 years ago

The ETF that @Rapstar is referring to @Strawman is the GOLD ETF from ETF Securities Australia (ETFS), ticker code: GOLD. See here: GOLD - ETFS Metal Securities Australia Limited - ETFS Physical Gold - Strawman: ASX share price, valuation, research and discussion

It's in the database here, however there is no pricing, so it is NOT available to trade here on I did raise this over a year ago - there are heaps of other ETFs that are in the same boat, no price data so can't buy them. If you can't see a share price graph here, you can't buy it. Then there is the Perth Mint Gold ETF, ticker code: PMGOLD. PMGOLD isn't even a recognised ticker code here.

The ONLY gold bullion backed ETF that does have pricing data here - so is able to be added to members' portfolios here - is QAU - see here: QAU - BetaShares Gold Bullion ETF - Currency Hedged - Strawman: ASX share price, valuation, research and discussion - which is a currency hedged physical gold ETF from BetaShares. It should be noted that over the past 12 months that currency hedged ETF has underperformed the unhedged GOLD ETF. They've both gone up, but GOLD has gone up more than QAU.

In terms of ETFs that contain gold MINERS, there's MNRS - see here: MNRS - BetaShares Global Gold Miners ETF - Currency Hedged - Strawman: ASX share price, valuation, research and discussion

As well as GDX, the VanEck gold miners ETF: GDX - VanEck Gold Miners ETF - Strawman: ASX share price, valuation, research and discussion

All of those are discussed in a recent article by Marc Jocum, published on the Stockspot blog a couple of months ago (in January 2022) - see here: What are the Best Gold ETFs on the ASX in 2022? (

It's weird - this site recognises other ETFS ETFs (that is ETFs created and managed by ETFS, being ETF Securities Australia) such as FANG, ZYAU, ESTX, NDIA, ROBO, ACDC, TECH, and heaps more, but when it comes to GOLD, one of ETFS' largest ETFs, there's no share prices, no graph, and the site won't let us buy any.

It's been a glitch in the system from when we first went to the current data supplier and had access to ETFs for the first time. A few of us did raise it at the time. It's definitely mentioned in my Gold thread here - if you go back far enough. It's a long thread.


2 years ago

Right you are @Bear77

I saw the status as active, and assumed price data was available.

I won't bore you with the details, but S&P make things really hard with ETFs. I'll give them another prod and see if we can't sort this out once and for all.


2 years ago



2 years ago

The problem with QAU is that it is currency hedge. I don't want that.....I hold some PMGOLD in the real world, would be nice to hold that in straw dollars as well.....

2 years ago

Hi @Strawman I am showing a cash balance of over $300,000

I've undertaken some portfolio management lately, but i can assure you i'm not that good of an Investor.

Unsure if anyone else has experienced any issues today.


2 years ago

Hi @Summer12 -- it's because you have placed an order to sell 3689 shares in Volpara at $85 (3689 x 85 = $313,565)


VHT is trading at around 88c per share at present -- so it just looks like you have accidentally mistaken cents for dollars.

(The system includes the value of pending trades when presenting your available cash balance, and just assumes the price you've entered will be realised at some point.)

If you edit your VHT order, it should sort things out. DM me if you'd like more info.


2 years ago

thank you
