Forum Topics Quarterly Reporting requirements
2 years ago

@Explore @Stuey727 @Bear77 - putting aside mining companies (for which there are different requirements) my understanding is that it's actually to do with operating cashflow and not profit. I'm happy to be corrected on that though as the actual wording is not that explicit. The relevant ASX listing rule is chapter 4.7 and what it does say is that the entity must provide quarterly reporting for the first 8 quarters after admission or "if the ASX has asked it to do so". That last bit is a bit vague but essentially my understanding is the unwritten rule is they will be asked to do so until they show four consecutive quarters of positive operating cashflow.

Interestingly in the US quarterly reporting is de rigueur. I don't know how many of you have looked at the reporting of US companies but I've recently started looking at some of the recommendation of @wtsimis and the quality of reporting across the board is horrible - I'm talking big household names too. There might be a bit of familiarity bias but I felt like I'd gone back in time. I guess at least they're wasting heaps on IR but...yuk...


2 years ago

I've just found that post of mine from last night - it's over in a KME forum thread: KME - Valuation for Kip McGrath Education - KME (

Here's the graphic I included with that post.



As I said before, you can click on that image to make it larger and more readable, then click again to return to this forum thread.

Additionally @Noddy74 , @Stuey727 and @Explore , the ASX's Guidance Note #23 covers the subject of who has to provide quarterly reports, and it can be accessed from here: [the title of this Guidance Note is "Quarterly Reports" so it does answer the question well.]


Thanks guys, you're awesome.
