Forum Topics Strawman Deep Dive
2 years ago

We're looking at setting up another Deep Dive, and are again asking for nominations from the community.

You can have your say here

This short list is based on the most popular suggestions we received from the first session, but we'd also encourage you to nominate any other companies you think are interesting.

There's also space in this survey to provide feedback on the first session, which we'd very much value.

One of the main areas of feedback is to have a more structured session. And to this end, I'll look to break the meeting up into discreet areas -- overview, strategy, risks, moats, financials, & outlook. And I'll also queue up some polls so attendees can cast a vote on various aspects of the business.

At this stage, I'm planning on hosting the meeting at 6pm on the 27th of October.


2 years ago

Hi @Strawman

After your call out for future guests, I was thinking through some options and I definitely have also enjoyed non CEO guests as well (i.e fund managers etc). However these type of interviews are also covered by many of the different podcasts etc out there as well.

As a slightly different approach, do you think there would be the appetite there to get a special guest involved in our company deep dives to get some insights on how industry professionals approach some of their analysis / research? Or would this be too much of a time commitment for them having to also run through research / pre-work?

Just a thought I wanted to throw out there.

2 years ago

Looks like Energy One has won out over Megaport for our first Company Deep Dive (by a very slim margin)


So we'll go with EOL for the first run.

Practically, if you wanted to participate, all you need to do is add some Straws or even a valuation to the Energy One company page

As a reminder, a Straw is a discreet research note. It could be on company management, risks, moats, industry characteristics or whatever you want. They are distinct from forum posts which are more about facilitating a general discussion.

Anyway, add whatever insights you think are interesting. And at the end of the period, we'll host a meeting to review and discuss everything. I'm also trying to line up management so we can have any outstanding questions addressed.

Please remember, we're not after a set outcome here. It could be that everyone hates the company. Or maybe it divides opinion. All we care is that we put ourselves in a position to make a more informed decision.

In fact, i'd really encourage people to share contrasting views. Even if just to play devil's advocate.

I plan to take a look and add some notes early next week, and am keen to dive into this one. A few investors that i respect really like this one, so it should be an interest company to dig into.

If you have any questions -- be that for the process or the company itself -- be sure to post here, or on the EOL forum page.


2 years ago

Happy to report that Energy One (ASX:EOL) CEO Shaun Ankers has agreed to join us on Wednesday the 5th of October.

Should be a good opportunity to fill in the gaps from our recent Deep Dive.

Please add your questions here:

2 years ago

Thanks for all the feedback on this Deep Dive initiative. Once we've been through the process once, we'll send out a survey to get a better sense of what worked, what didn't, and how we could improve the process.

Over the weekend we received 71 responses to the survey which asked what company we should start with. The results so far are:

Forms response chart. Question title: . Number of responses: 71 responses.

I'll give it a few more days for other people to vote, but at this stage it looks like Energy One has the lead.

2 years ago

I agree with PortfolioPlus, in that we should mix up the type of companies for Deep Dives. Some early stage, some more established dividend producers.

I'm amazed at the variety of companies different fund managers invest in.

Concentrating only on our more popular stawman companies, particularly reasonably well covered ones, may mean missed opportunity.