Forum Topics Playing the Long Game
2 years ago

Companies and leaders ignoring the noise and playing the long game.

I've come to the conclusion (lol, for now) that the best kind of investment over a 5, 10 or 15+ year period is one where you can ignore hype and exaggerated down-times and let your money compound. Duh.

The idea is based off those magical companies that have a great team and a long-term focus whose share price may fluctuate in the early days (at a risk prism of course) that also have a great potential to be multi-baggers that end up paying dividends in 5-10 years that are above the your/my initial purchase price.

Kind of like an FMG purchased mid 2000's at about $0.70 and now banking $1 in dividends (plus of course the 21,000% SP increase along the way)

I wanted to create a thread where people can suggest companies that are in their "Baby Giant" stage and a brief overview on how the company might align with those two important criteria.

Would be exciting to look back at in 10 years to see some results!