Forum Topics Holidays/Christmas/Summer
2 years ago

Just catching on some of the forums after a little hiatus. Reading this one was a crack.

My biggest learning came from SciDev which I posted about a number of times here. I talk about it in my recent newsletter here:

In short, stick to your circle of competence.

Here's to a better 2023!

2 years ago

I’ll take a different spin on this. Besides everything else traumatising that was barely noticeable, my two most poorly timed investments were selling WHC way too early and still being punished for not averaging up.

Then there was PYG who ticked along for a year or two and I sold out at a small loss about a week before they were taken over for what would have been 300% on a sizeable position. Thankfully I forgot to tell my partner about it and she was able to capitalise.

All the best for 2023 and beyond


2 years ago

hahahaha. I remember you telling me this at FinFest. All the best for 2023 mate! You're better for those lessons!


2 years ago

@JPPicard Yep. This year’s strategy involves the concept of selling less, unless there is a damn good excuse.

2 years ago

Doctor Care Anywhere -

Felt like an Idiot for a long time, Purchased just after the IPO, doubled down, COVID came along so I'm on to a winner...

How wrong was I, turned out I was very wrong,

I let macro lead my decision making process, I thought about Teledoc, Insta Scripts etc.

DOC are doing a good job in the UK, but not enough to warrant the prices I paid ( price is what you pay, Values what you get, Uncle Warren)

It has become a very small part of my portfolio, even though I should sell, I have made the conscious decision to keep hold of it, following a recent $18 Million working capital loan from Health Care provider AXA.

Being early can still being wrong.

Holding it in my portfolio is also good for me, helps remind me to remain focused on the businesses I chose, and Not Macro.

Thank you to everyone that shares their knowledge, In a world of greed, finding this community goes against the grain and I couldn't be more grateful to you all.still making mistakes but I feel more Informed and educated.

Merry Christmas and Happy New to you all.

2 years ago

I might have you all covered - still holding TSLA after everything. Have ridden it up and down this last few years but Elon is always a wild ride. I have had my confidence dented but I still believe in what Elon and Tesla is doing. Still profitable and while some doubts on growth emerging is a high return/margin growing business. Long term I’m still backing the weighing machine to do its thing. But TTM PE is now 34 times for a business that grew its net income 50% QonQ - but will be grinding my teeth for a while yet.