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one year ago

Is Enero a trading stock?

I wouldn’t call myself a trader, but if I were to trade regularly for a profit I would choose a stock like Enero. Why? Technically you could trade any shares that have high volatility, but it would be much safer to trade a stock which is both volatile and has deep value. That way if you get stuck holding it there is still value there which should materialise in time while you collect a nice fully franked dividend.

If you are looking for deep value I don’t think you can go past Enero. It sits at the top of my deep value watch list. Yet, I’ve been accumulating it lately for under $1.64, yesterday as low as $1.63. Today it is trading at $1.79, up 10%. I can’t bring myself to sell it though because it’s too cheap! It has been doing this quite a bit lately. I don’t understand it, but there could be money to be made out of these trades.

As I said, I’m not really a trader and I can’t bring myself to sell at $1.79 even though the share price is likely to fall again.

It’s not my style, but for the traders out there this could be one to look at.


one year ago

First up, this one is not in my wheelhouse, so I am probably not an investor, but ....

From a quick look, apart from the write-down on disposal of Frank and various other entities in 2021, this business appears to have delivered reasonable earnings growth, with good free cash flows, and dividends over the last 5-6 years. It is currently trading below book value. Share count rises regularly - are they big on share payments?

What was it about the HY result that spooked the market? Two material late payments, subsequently paid? The consequent hit to cashflow for the HY? Or the scary statement about headwinds continuing in the second half?

@Rick you say the price is likely to fall again. Do you have a fundamental reason why that's the case? There are only two analysts that follow it on my service, and their average target SP is $4.36 (one at $3.96 and the other at $4.75) vs. $1.80 at time of writing. Morningstar Quant. has fair value at $3.00. Of course, this doesn't mean much as there are plenty of terrible ASX companies which have 100%+ analyst recommendations.

However, if there is a decent underlying business here, why is the market so down on it? Under normal conditions it is profitable and highly cash generative.

Does the market expect B2B Marketing spend to get killed in a slowdown? (That's its business right?)

I'm puzzled, but then again, I've only done 10 minutes work so I am probably missing something obvious.

Disc: Not Held


one year ago

I forgot to mention, they have a share buy back program in place to buy back up to 10% of shares. Over the last week, they've started buying, with 143,719 shares bought over 4 days in the last week or so - only 1.7% of the announced maximum.

It doesn't usually trade high volumes, so I'd have thought the buy back program would put some support under the SP.


one year ago

Thanks for your insights @mikebrisy. I don’t know why the market is so down on Enero or why the share price is so volatile? I think the share price will continue to go up and down wildly until there is a trading update. Maybe it is already the focus of traders which might be causing this volatility.

However I’m ignoring the share price noise for now and have continued to add to our holdings on the lows , now 7.5% IRL and 9% on Strawman. It’s a big bet on the future of OB Media which is probably worth more than the current share price by itself. A take over offer is not out of the question.

It always worries me that someone knows something I don’t. If you find out what that is, please let me know! :)


one year ago

Continuing this wee investigation .., coz I'm curious now,

I was just looking through its last balance sheet, which looks pretty healthy.


$38m Cash and equivalents

$99m Receivables, which were bloated because of the two large late payments, now made. Based on the information given at the results, the late payments amounted to about $17m, so the receivables are still really high.(Adjusted to be $82m vs. $64m at FY22.) If payments get made and there is reversion to a normal level, that would point to a strong cashflow report at the next result.


$26m debt drawn from a $50m facility. So, not bad at < 0.3 x EBITDA (FC).


$50m contingent consideration, which when you look in the notes is payments due to the acquisitions MBA (2021), Hotwire DNA (2022) and GetIT (2022).

Of these, GetIt looks like the biggest as the initial payment was US$26m cash and US$6.6m Enero shares with a series of future performance payments to be capped at US$90m. So, on the assumptions that payments are made only if business is good, then they look very do-able.

Conclusion - the balance sheet looks pretty strong.

Sector comparisons

I can't find anything in the newsflow to indicate anything obvious.

So, I had a look at some of the sector peers: OOh Media, HT&E and IVE. You can see that Enero got smashed at the HY report and has continued to track down. Ooh Media got smashed at their AGM, when they gave a soft trading update. So, perhaps the Ooh Media update provided further negative sentiment into the sector?

HT&E has been on steady decline over 12 months. IVE is the exception - it has been giving positive updates on acquisitions and a good trading outlook at its last results.

In making these comparisons I want to highlight that I know NOTHING about this sector!

So, on a 12m view, Enero is the clear SP under-performer, even if this level of underperformance doesn't leap out form the financial results. Perhaps it is being punished because it is relatively small AND its trading update was vague and negative?


Looking at the broker vals, Enero has been on a pretty steep downgrade cycle. since middle 2022. But maybe that was just the brokers waking up that the market wasn't following their lofty valuations, as the brokers didn't adjust unitl the SP had already been in decline for 9 months! They clearly got over-excited in Oct/Nov 2021.



Insiders only hold 4.7% of shares, and over the last 12 months, according to Simply Wall Street, there have been no Director sales and 5 modest purchases.


Reiterating that I know nothing about this company or its sector, I think the low SP is a combination of:

a) Established broker down-grade cycle

b) Questions over cash flow, due to late payments at last report and a high receivebles level

c) Other bad news in the sector, linked to macro conditions

d) Market being forward looking - if a recession is expected, corporate marketing budgets get cut, and the advertising and media sector gets smashed

e) They are small, so these fears are amplified - could a downturn be an existential risk?

If there is a good business here, then Enero would potentially be a very strong recovery play. The next report would indicate if these minor wobbles get righted.

Apologies - I don't usually write straws on companies and sectors about which I know nothing! But @Rick piqued my curiosity.

Disc: Not Held


one year ago

I’m pleased I piqued your curiosity @mikebrisy. I appreciate your efforts to dig this info up and synthesise your thoughts. I believe that’s the best synopsis of a business I’ve ever seen by someone who claims to know nothing about the sector! I think point (d) in your summary is spot on! - “Market being forward looking - if a recession is expected, corporate marketing budgets get cut, and the advertising and media sector gets smashed.” The question then is ‘How well will Enero emerge following a recession… if we have one?’ High expose to tech in the US also increases Enero’s exposure.




one year ago

Please correct me if I'm wrong here! However, the problem with the numbers on the financial statements (balance sheet and cashflow especially) is that it assumes 100% ownership of OBmedia due to the accounting rules with the 51% ownership of OBmedia? Therefore, as a shareholder you can't get an accurate picture of what is your actual ownership portion of the financial statements given OBmedia is a significant part of Enero. Would be much easier if they released a proportionate statement. For example, how much of that $38mil cash is OBmedia's cash and not Enero's, therefore needs to be split in half on a per Enero share basis? Can anyone confirm the above?

Hope they continue to buy back strongly. Yesterday, they bought back 108k of the 146.6k shares traded (ie 74%). With $1.76 the highest price paid, looks like a good floor number for the share price in for the near term.


one year ago

I'm no accountant, but I believe that under AASB10, the consolidated statements consolidate all controlled entities in the group irrespective of the equity holding. On the P&L and Balance Sheet there is a line item called "Non-controlling interests" which shows how much of the Income and Equity, respectively, arises from the equity that is no owned. I don't know if there is further detail in the report that helps to break this out.

This complexity of the structure is another reason why I wouldn't invest in this, even though, it does look to be a business with a lot of potential SP upside.

Part of what allows me to sleep well at night is the feeling that I have a reasonable understanding of what I am investing in. On so many fronts, Enero doesn't pass that test for me personally.

one year ago

@Rick I've been pondering your well written and thoughtful straw regarding the buy back. Completely agree about preference for a buy back as opposed to a special dividend, and agree with your rationale for the expected benefits that should flow from a buy back assuming the share price remains depressed below $2 for an extended period of time while the buy back is in motion.

What gives me pause though (and was the unwritten basis for my comment that I was "Personally unconvinced its the best use of their cash") is essentially captured in your potential uses for their cash option 2 i.e. "Aquire a businesses that is immediately earnings accretive with ROIC higher than 20%".

I've read plenty of commentary that Enero have not been very disciplined with the valuations paid for their acquisitions - something reasonable minds can differ on to be sure - but given the uncertain times over the coming 1-2 years, it feels like retaining/building up a war chest for the optionality to acquire any worthwhile businesses which can be nabbed at an attractive valuation is a solid "use" of cash as opposed to having to fund acquisitions with shares (bad at low SP) or with debt (likely ok given their strong earnings and ability to repay quickly but debt on the balance sheet turns people off in the current environment).

It's of course possible for them to both do a buy back and keep a cash buffer for acquisitions, but given the board has indicated they think anything below $3 is undervalued, the question I ask myself is would I prefer them to keep blindly buying back shares in the $2-$3 range or hunt for solid acquisitions? If they could nab another OBMedia but pay more up front for something that has proven itself that would obviously be a win but may cost a big chunk of change to acquire (Enero bought their 51% share of the unproven OBMedia back in 2007 and it has taken this long for it to grow/morph into the valuable business it is today).

Worth noting also that they've sold some businesses in recent years that weren't kicking significant enough goals or seen as providing sufficiently differentiated professional service offerings across the group as a whole, so they're definitely working on moulding a stable of great, complementary businesses.

Anyhoo, I'm not strongly arguing against the buy back, but wanted to flesh out my reservations a bit more and see if they prompted any further discussion.


one year ago

Thanks @loshell for expanding your thoughts. I agree with you. Anero has a huge potential for organic and inorganic growth as the TAM increases from US$500 billion to US$1.2 trillion as the business moves into digital transformation and analytics (Strategy Webinar, Slide 11). They should continue to invest in strategic growth opportunities as opportunities arise.


Management said they are aiming to “strike the right balance of investment in opportunities for future value creation and prudent return on excess cash” while limiting debt to 1.25 x EBITDA (Slide 84). I think that having a well thought out capital management strategy helps to keep management on track and focused on the best outcomes for shareholders.




one year ago

As a previous holder (for a short period of time) I was surprised to see how hard this has been dumped by the market. The amount of profit attributable to non-controlling interests was of concern when I initially looked at half yearly results. After seeing the Tweet below on my feed, it pointed out to me that OB Media is making all the profit for Enero. The rest of the business' owned by Enero are only breaking even. However, having a think about it, even if you value everything at zero besides OB Media.

OB Media is making an annualised profit somewhere in the range of $50-60m based on the half year results (don't know if this is seasonal?). Putting an ultra-conservative 10xPE on OB Media (remembering this business has growing rapidly over the past few years) that would put the value of OB Media for Enero at a minimum of $250mil with the current market cap sitting at around $173m ($1.87 share price). Looks like the market may have overshoot to the downside, I am thinking about retaking a small position, initially as a bit of value trade.

@Rick reference your conviction post, is there anything I am missing?


one year ago

Yes, Forager Funds have been into EGG for years, pretty much since Steve Johnson started the company.

Enero Lays a Golden EGG for Forager's Australian Shares Fund - Forager Funds

I would doubt that FOR is selling. FOR are not substantial holders of EGG, as they hold less than 5% of EGG's shares on issue, so we won't know if they do sell down unless Forager tells us.

Wilson's (WAM Funds) have sold down or out, however, and much of that appears to have been bought by Perpetual, Regal and Perennial, as indicated by their respective notices dated Feb 20th. Interestingly, Perennial sold down from 10.69% to 9.52% (notice dated 15 Feb 2023) and then lodged a notice 5 days later to say they had increased their EGG position to 12.76%. Plenty going on. And quite a bit of insto ownership (Subs) on the register.


Disclosure: I do not currently hold EGG shares.


one year ago

@Bear77 Well said + you took the straw right out of my mouth re recent selling by WAM and acquiring by the other outfits which I was also going to post eventually :)

one year ago

@Rick Kudos on the awesome straw, helped me start my day with a chuckle! We're on a roll with this one... *badoom tish*

Keep up the EGGy goodness. I've been travelling the past 2 weeks but have some update straws I'll post when I have a moment.