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Added 2 years ago

22/11/22 Presentation to AGM 22 November 2022

Not much new from KME in their AGM update, a general update that revenue growth is "performing well" but noted with US expansion 1H/2H skew will be larger moving forward.

The update on the US/Tutorfly expansion was the most interesting, management saying that FY23 to date has already contracted as much work FY22 with 8 months remaining and now a preferred supplier in Alabama and Texas. I was initially sceptical on the US expansion which also used a different business model than KME traditionally uses (outsourced tutors). However the ability to sell into government contracts has greatly de-risked the expansion and it seems it could be material to FY23 numbers.

Increased government contracted work was a theme for the more established geographies as well with management calling out their ability to tutor at scale as a main reason why. While it may be a sugar hit for KME, I suspect governments funding to close the Covid caused learning gap will stay around for a few years.

one year ago

Can we get your updated thoughts on KME when you have a few moments @Wini ? The shares have tanked since the AGM update of course. Thank you.


one year ago

Hey @thunderhead, apologies I have been slack keeping my thoughts on some companies up to date. KME has been an exceptionally frustrating hold obviously but the headline numbers have masked the progress of the underlying business although no doubt there have been some operational mis-steps along the way. I will try and do a more detailed Straw in the near future.

In short though, we are in a micro cap market that is demanding growing profits from companies. KME has not delivered that for some years as they have invested in various strategies but the commentary from Storm was that FY23 would be a year where we saw the scale start to emerge. Of course that didn't happen in 1H23, Tutorfly's negative contribution the main reason but even beyond that the Corporate centres have not delivered the profits you would hope given the greenfield roll-out paused in the half.

The presentation that was released with the report shed some light on this, I think the "breakeven" where a Corporate centre becomes economically more attractive than a franchised one is quite high. It appears to be around 140 students, and although there was a graph that showed established Corporate centres are at 168 students it wasn't broken out how many of the 26 are considered established. That same graph showed the average franchised centre has 75 students, leaving a large gap to take an average franchised centre to a profitable Corporate one and may take longer/cost more than expected.

That said, I don't consider the Corporate strategy a failure and I think it's a vital part of the business moving forward. In the Strawman meeting Storm said a key part of the Corporate strategy is having a platform ready to go to purchase centres from retiring or departing franchisees especially in regions where it can be difficult to find a new buyer quickly. An established Corporate centre platform can also be used to turn around underperforming centres before being re-sold.

As frustrating as it has been, it does appear as though the 2H will be much better and Storm alluded to that on the call. They have given trading updates/guidance prior to the FY results in the past, so hopefully don't have to wait too long to hear how things have progressed.


one year ago

Appreciate your chiming in @Wini, and I look forward to your more detailed views when you have the opportunity to put it up. Thank you.