Forum Topics HLF HLF Strategic Review

Pinned straw:

Added one year ago

Words to make me feel nervous "Strategic Review"

Looks like Halo are looking for a buyer after employing Modus Partners to undertake a strategic review of the company.

Hold in SM and a small holding IRL

one year ago

Hi all,

Just thought i would add a couple links from Modus Partners.

Partners Page and bio on Rob Antulov the gentleman responsible for the review.

Looks to me like Modus has completed or been Involved in 21 deals, at this time i cannot comment on performance or success.

Disc Held

one year ago

Has anyone done any background work on this Modus mob and what their track record is in navigating situations like this? Thank you.

one year ago

This has the look and feel of a desperate move. There is no capital coming from the market to fund operations given the era of cheap/free money is over, the company is still loss-making and cannot generate positive cashflow, has debt, and there are a lot of intangibles on the balance sheet. Gotta find a "sucker" buyer to attribute any meaningful value to the assets here - perhaps the manufacturing facilities.

The question for long-suffering shareholders of this terribly managed concern is - do you take the capital losses now, or risk a VA-like situation where it can drag on for several months before you can claim them? The risks of that are high.

one year ago

Announcement almost reads like a capitulation and advert. Disappointing. Someone will cherry pick the profitable assets no doubt

Held in RL and SM


one year ago

No doubt Laoshi.