Forum Topics XRO XRO FY23 Results

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Added one year ago

$XRO reported their FY23 results this morning. The table below from the release show their highlights.

The financials are messy, due to yet more write-downs of acquisition goodwill (Waddle and ... wait for it ... PlanDay). However, looking past the profligacy of the past, on an operating basis the result is strong, with 28% revenue growth, Operating Cash Flow of $390m (up 65%) and FCF of over $100m.

Costs have been well-managed, and we are yet to see the full benefit of the cost reduction effort initiated late in the financial year. The restructuring costs of $35m are also a drag on the financials.

As highlighted above, the operating leverage is now showing through strongly and with disciplined management, we will now start to see $XRO becoming a strong cash generator.

Growth was driven both by new subcribers, price increases and usage, and monthly churn stayed low at 0.9%. Importantly, as the major price rise was in September, with a small one in mid March, there is a strong revnue exit run rate for the year, which sets up FY24 with a good start.

Customer additions were strong in Australia (+15% yoy) and UK (+14% yoy), and were double digits across the board. North America still making steady but slower progress at +13% (competition from Intuit is just too strong).

Jumping on the Investor Call at 10:30 and will report any significant insights over the next day or so.




(Note my numbers for FCF are different from their reports, as it looks like we include/exclude different items in getting to FCF.)


Disc: Held IRL (4.8%) and SM (8.3%)

one year ago

@mikebrisy Thanks for this in depth write up. I have held XRO since the MF Pro days and always knew they could pull many levers to increase revenue and/or margin if they ever need too. The narrative in the media is that tech has been hit hard by inflation and interest rates, and Xero is a classic example of such a growth tech company that was sold off, but look what happens when they decide to make money.

Xero is my biggest holding IRL even though I have sold down multiple times over the last 10 years. It's also a significant holding in Lakehouse Small Company's Fund not that that means so much without Joe these days...