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one year ago

@Karmast here's my valuation work on JBH. can see possibly over earning. will it under earn in future? deep recession yes , otherwise maybe flattens grwoth profile.

you cna see the scenario analysis below under different growth and PE assumptions. look alright under a soft landing. needs earnings to go backwards to undermine valuation.

maybe i will add that scenario :)



one year ago

Thanks @Solvetheriddle

Good to see the modeling. It's hard to know which landing we have and how long it will effect them of course. As a retailer though, I'd like to be starting from where JB are on so many levels and selling the kinds of products they do in an ever increasing digitally reliant world.

So happy to own when the analyst consensus is soft and the multiple is giving some cushion...

one year ago

I think you make some great points @Karmast

The PEs of cyclical stocks can be deceptive, in that they look low on the basis of past earnings, but could be much higher on a forward basis. But in this case, even if you assume a pretty substantial decline in per share earnings the PE is hardly demanding. Especially if they can sustain decent growth across the full cycle.

For example, consensus guidance for FY24 EPS is $3.52, a good 24% below the expected result this year. But even on that basis, the forward PE is something like 12.8. Consensus estimates for FY24 dividend is $2.30 which gives a forward yield of 5%, or 7.2% grossed up for franking credits. Who knows what happens in terms of market sentiment in the short to medium term, but that's a pretty decent yield for those happy to ride the ups and downs of market pricing.

And, of course, when shoppers again start to open up their wallets, it's not a stretch to imagine they could return to FY22 EPS levels, and beyond, in the years ahead.


one year ago

Thanks @Strawman

If you go back to the GFC, the multiple came down but earnings just kept climbing up as did the dividend. For much of the past 5 years there have been shorters at play too, who have got it wrong. It seems most of the analysts consistently underestimate the skill of management and the moat they have built.

So, the next couple of years could be different. EPS might drop and dividends in turn. People mightn't replace their TV or phone quite as often for a while.

That said, my base case is in 5 years we have more people in Australia, buying more of the electronics etc JB sells than today. They probably also have more market share given the competitive advantage they have built. And they might even acquire another competitor or two (think Bing Lee or Betta etc) doing something like what Bunnings have done with their advantage in home improvements.

So buying at the current multiple is likely to be rewarded with some patience...