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Added one year ago

FY23 Results are out.

While it looks okay at a glance, I have a few issues with it.

  • 6-9% revenue guidance for FY24 is too slow. Has been a distinct shift from the 10-30% growth talk from just a couple of years back
  • Cashflow neutral in FY25 and then positive in FY26. That's pretty far off for a company that burned $11m in 2H ($36m for the year) with about $27m of combined debt and cash headroom.
  • 3G is being shutdown in NZ and Aus, and the company needs to replace 80k units in a bit over a year (or revert to 2G). Awful headwind.

I'm glass half empty on this one.d90dbdd709d22200ad5b6e3b7407a926ba7099.pngc58f0bb0efc8609ec247c99d30f002d7f304ad.png

one year ago

Agreed. Stiff headwinds for a business that is already precariously positioned financially. What a disappointing end to a promising thesis.

It's hard to take guidance on face value when the recent track record of delivering against initial expectations has been poor too.

one year ago

Excellent points @mushroompanda

The ultra low liquidity with shares makes things a bit harder too. That alone doesn't usually put me off (sadly, I'm not working with million here), but you at least want some tailwinds for the business when that's true.