Forum Topics VHT VHT Analyst Reports

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Added one year ago

Hi all,

I would be interested in every thoughts on analyst consensus for VHT from simply Wall Street.

Is this price target similar to your calculations. Interested in all thoughts and your @mikebrisy.


one year ago

@Nnyck777 as far as I can tell, it looks like one of the two analysts covering $VHT updated overnight. It will be clearer early next week.

So the update has reduced FY24 eps, however I think the price target has increased slightly for a combination of factors:

  • Rolling forward one year of the discounted cash flows
  • FY25 eps increased slightly (presumably improving the terminal mulitple in whatever valuation method the analyst used.

In terms of my own modelling, I don't have a valuation of $VHT, as it is meaningless to do a DCF at this stage. I am more focused on understanding the slope of the cash flow line.

Relevant to that is how the margins are evolving (in addition to the 5-year FCF picture I posted yesterday).

Here is the %GM picture, which is showing some economies of scale - however, this might also be due to product mix, i.e., the acquired businesses appeared to have had stronger gross margins. In any event, it looks consistently strong around 92%,


However, the good news is that we are seeing good scaling on expenses.


It is the progression of expenses relative to revenue in FY24 that will be the biggest driver in the FY24 eps outcome.

My own forecast, using two different methods, are from -NZ$0.025 to -NZ$0.007, but when earnings are so close to breakeven, things like government grants, tax and interest are significant swing factors, so frankly at that level of resolution its anyone's guess.

It is hard to predict, because it is unclear what the exit runrate was, how much the expense line was hit by severance costs in-year, and how successful Terri will be in holding expenses flat in FY24.

Overall, my optimism is predicated on the following short term factors:

  • Revenue growth of at least 20% in cc (note, we might see FX headwinds in FY24, as it was a significant tailwind in FY23)
  • Stable %GM
  • % Expenses fall to approx. 100% of Revenue in FY24

and that these trends continue for a few years.

My quick calculation has an eps in FY26 of 1.9cps. If the SP is $1.00, then the p/e would be 52. Discounting back at 10% thats a SP today of NZD$0.75 or $A0.72. To be honest, that's a bit steep if they are only growing revenue at 20% p.a.

However, if the tailwinds allow revenue growth to be 25% p.a. (and I know they are only guiding 10-15%, but I think they might be conservative), then I get FY26 eps of 4.8cps. That higher growth would justify an exit p/e of 40, give a SP of NZ$1.92. Discounting back to today gives a SP of NZ$1.44 or A$1.38.

That's my bull case. But that is why I am only holding a small parcel, To increase my holding they have to a) outperform on their current revenue growth guidance and b) manage expenses growth.

There is, in addition, a potential M&A take-out premium to consider. Probably a 50% chance at a 40-50% premium, but I have'nt factored that into my expected value.

For now, I will put my SM Valuation at ($0.72+$1.38)/2 = $1.05.


one year ago

Great response thank you. Wish I had your analytic approach before I bought at $1.60 a few years ago and grossly overpaid thinking growth curves would be greater than what was achieved. Hopefully you are right and growth continues 20-25% plus.

I see the partnership with google AI as a huge plus. The data base to feed machine learning algorithms is a massive advantage. This tech advance could improve VHT risk analysis and/or make them an attractive acquisition for a larger medical imaging company in the future. I will continue to sit in the red with this stock. I am impressed with Teri’s leadership so far.


one year ago

I have always had the takeover thought as well but I struggle to think who it would be? Excluding private equity coming in for it, who would be the bigger fish? The obvious thought is fan favourite PME but one could argue they have been expanding into this space in their own right and may wish to continue to do so. I would love to see a takeover by PME because IRL I would massively benefit but I dont see it happening, at least in the near term.

Full disclosure I am a long time holder (translation = long time sufferer) but on for the long haul to hopefully see some upside


one year ago

@Nnyck777 I’m afraid pre-profit businesses aren’t my strong suit! Every time I buy one this is what seems to happen :)



one year ago

@Rick @Nnyck777 I think we are all, more often than not, victims of the fact that growing revenues is hard and spending (costs) is easy. Thus we (humans) tend to overestimate revenue projections and underestimate cost projections.

So, in general, we’ll miss more often that not when chasing firms pre-inflection point. The idea, as @Strawman has often said, is your downside is capped at 100%; but your upside can be x00%.

What’s changed, is that pre-profit companies get hit hard (fundamentally) when interest rates go up. Arguably, we are now in a more “normal” environment for stockpicking, whereas during much of 2010-2020, you could get away with just chasing revenue growth.

So, coming back to $VHT, what I am focused on are the relative rates of revenue growth and cash cost growth.


one year ago

Just as an FYI from the service I can get information from we don't see any recent updated broker research report for VHT (yet). Can see older reports (e.g. from Barclay Pearce Capital, GS, Edison, RAAS, Macquarie) but they are from earlier last year (e.g. May, Mar & Jan 2022) or even older

NB: The Barclay Pearce Capital report (from 26th May last year) had VHT as an Underperform with a PT of $0.42


one year ago

@Remorhaz that is interesting.

I use, which doesn’t identify the research source but publishes key min., max., and average values., and plots these over time, so you can follow trends in how analysts are responding in aggregate.

Prior to results, there were two TPs of $1.10 and $1.21. Since the results, the $1.21 has been downgraded to $1.20 and the $1.16 has been upgraded to $1.20. So "consensus" is up slightly from $1.16 to $1.20, which intuitively makes sense given an outlook for better margins offset by slower revenue growth.

Coincidentally, my Val. is $1.27, arrived at independently, although you can adjust mine by whatever you believe the FY26 p/e will be, which of course is a combination of the company fundamentals and macro factors prevailing at that time.

Further to your note, I can see from MarketScreener.Com that the $0.42 PT was removed from the dataset on 3-Jan-2023, which means they either ceased covering $VHT, stopped being accessible to, or became stale and were therefore dropped from the sample.

My conclusion of all of this, is that I think views over the next 2-3 years for $VHT are in a reasonably tight range of 2 or 3 if I include my own (or there is groupthink!), and the discount to a fundamental view is a combination of a) the current, unprofitable small-cap market discount and b) the market expecting costs to be higher and revenues to be lower (execution risk).

What I’ve written may well be utter non-sense, but that’s the narrative I’ve settled on.

My thesis rests on 1) its a proven good set of products, 2) there is ample space in the market to sell more to big accounts, 3) under Terri, they will execute and become profitable soon. I don’t think there is much doubt in 1) and 2), so it’s about tracking 3) q by q, recognising that there will be some noise from q to q.

I’m looking forward to the Strawman meeting on Friday, where I want to understand more about 1) the big customer buying process and 2) the extent to which the products compete and/or complement other imaging software.