Forum Topics JAN JAN NAPLAN 3+3 year $24m+ contract

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Added one year ago

The NAPLAN extension is nice and underpins a portion of the revenues for the next several years. Supposedly this is the largest contract that Janison has signed in its history. I believe it's larger than the previous contract that was first initiated in 2016, but not by a large amount in per annum terms.

What's potentially just as, if not more, exciting was the unrelated final paragraph of the announcement

"The Cambridge agreement was signed with a minimum contract value of ~$1m in revenue over three years but has to date added $2.5m in the last nine months in FY23 and is expected to grow significantly in FY24 and beyond. The Oxford agreement has commenced with a range of tests worth approximately ~$1m in TCV but, similar to the Cambridge agreement, test volumes are likely to be higher than minimum contract amounts, and further opportunities exist to deliver additional OUP tests on the Janison assessment platform."

Janison signed a 3-year $1m minimum umbrella contract with Cambridge Assessments at the end of Q1 FY23. And in the first 9 months, has already booked $2.5m and will look to grow this significantly. Also hinted that the Oxford deal might head down a similar path.

I feel like this is the first time they've under-promised and over-delivered. Normally management have front run operational performance with flashy forecasts that they've never come close to hitting - ICAS, PISA for schools, etc.

one year ago

Really good take as always mate @mushroompanda

The market responded with a nice applaud as well.

Had they ever disclosed the value of the initial contract actually? I can't remember any figures (although this would be about 3 years ago now), and the only update I can find from them is on 23rd March 2020 and there are no financials provided. I had therefore assumed it was actually much larger now. I could be totally wrong here.

Very good observation you make on the last paragraph; seems very impressive that they've been able to expand the contract that quickly. They do indeed seem to be slowing kicking goals.

What's your take on their fuel left in the tank?

They had $12M in the bank at the end of last FY, and then disclosed $6M left at half year. If the pace hasn't changed, seems a cap raise might need to happen, although they could have also made significants improvements here too...

Keen to get your take!


one year ago

On the NAPLAN contract and how much it was uplifted from the initial contract - I'm not sure, I was just guessing. It was disclosed in the prospectus that they made $5.7m (37% of revenue) Education Services Australia (the group responsible for NAPLAN) in FY17. But the online assessment was not hosted until FY18, so much of that revenue would have been once-off preparation in software development and the initial test development. Looking at the revenue from the "largest 3 customers" over the years, my guess would be NAPLAN was worth approximately $4m/year to Janison, so maybe there's no uplift at all.

On the cash issue. Management has reiterated over the past several months that they'll hit free cashflow positive for this financial year. The expectation would be that they'll be back to $11m by the end of FY23 ($1m for lease liabilities assuming they're using the more "liberal" definition of FCF). Cashflow can be a bit lumpy due to the business it's in and when the events happen - e.g. NAPLAN is in 2H, ICAS in 1H but cash starts coming in during 2H, assessments and exams at the end of semesters, etc. I'll give them the benefit of the doubt here, but it'll be a red flag if they miss $11m by a large margin.


one year ago

@mushroompanda do you think there is much risk that the education system or a change of government direction moves away from using Naplan before 2030? Do you know if it is a 3 year contract for $12m fixed price or is it based on minimum annual price and then top up fee based on the number of students taking the test?

I am only wondering this as the newsflow I hear from some teachers and the media is that noone really thinks that Naplan is a good system to assess kids knowledge or whether a school is doing well/bad, but I am too far removed to really know how true any of this is. Do you consider this a risk?

I agree that the oxford and cambridge information is very positive.


one year ago

@Slideup I don’t know whether it’s fixed or has a variable component (expect the latter), nor am I able to quantify the risk of the government changing plans.

Should there be a change afoot with NAPLAN, provided it’s not a move in dropping assessments completely, Janison is probably well positioned to adapt. Janison has a very strong relationship with the NSW DoE and is delivering the NSW Check-In Assessment (won in 2020, and still ongoing) and the NSW selective school assessments.

There’s always a lot of talk about dropping objective measures like assessments for students. While I agree students shouldn’t be dedicating a lot of time to learning the nuances of individual assessments, overall I’m pro assessments in general. When structured correctly, it’s a great way of measuring a student’s abilities and speed up the feedback loop. It also provides brilliant kids from disadvantaged backgrounds a method for upward mobility. My views on this was reenforced after listening to the multi-part podcast series on US charter schools by the Startup Podcast (Gimlet Media).


one year ago

maybe im reading too much into this announcement but i found it a bit odd. first i thought it was a captial raise, then an acquisition, then realised they were talking about the revenues of the ct. then i thought they did this because they needed capital, then i thought they are probably disappointed with the share price. all within two minutes. just a strange way to convey the message imo


one year ago

@Solvetheriddle I assume you've never laid eyes on an Advance Zinctek (ASX:ANO) announcement :D