Forum Topics IPD IPD What is it?

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Added 2 years ago

• Founded* and headquartered in Brisbane, Australia with US and European operations, ImpediMed is a medical software technology company that non-invasively measures, monitors and manages fluid status and tissue composition using bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS)

• ImpediMed produces a family of FDA cleared and CE Marked medical devices, including SOZO® for multiple indications including heart failure, lymphoedema, and protein calorie malnutrition, sold in select markets globally

• Using ImpediMed’s BIS technology, SOZO measures 256 unique data points over a wide spectrum of frequencies from 3 kHz to 1000 kHz. Results are available immediately online for easy data access and sharing across an entire healthcare system. The FDA-cleared, CE-marked and ARTG-listed digital health platform aids in the early detection of secondary lymphoedema, provides fluid status for patients living with heart or renal failure, and can be used to monitor and maintain overall health – all on a single device

• The 1 device has multiple applications (lymphoedema, heart failure, end stage renal disease, body composition etc).

• The SaaS model and product has ~90% gross margins and a churn rate less than 2%. The product is scalable, whereby users can add and move test locations without any additional software setup

* Listed on the ASX in October 2007

Added 2 years ago

I’ll declare upfront that I don’t know much in depth about the medical conditions involved here, but anecdotally from personal experience with aging relatives and friends, I know that the managing of renal and heart failure is a massive issue. Drugs are well established for managing these conditions for many years, however, patient outcomes can vary hugely depending on how well the patient condition is monitored and the dosing regime adjusted. If $IPD’s tech helps there the potential huge size of the market makes it very interesting. So, it is now on my reading list to learn more.

$IPD looks well-priced/expensive at the moment, but it is very early days in its revenue growth journey. They’ve been able to achieve some decent revenue with a small team, and it will be interesting to see what momentum follows with the expanded team following the cap raise.

@TEPCapital thank you for putting this on the radar. You are one of the great StrawPeople for flagging promising early stage opportunities, and I always read your work carefully.

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