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Thursday 13-July-2023: Swoop (SWP): Response-to-ASX-Price-Query.PDF
Swoop up another +18.33% just today (at 35.5 cents/share), as I type this, but they've been up to 43 cents per share this morning, which was +43.33% above yesterday's 30 cents/share close. Little wonder the ASX issued a "Please Explain" (a.k.a. a "speeding ticket"). But Swoop have no explanation, which suggests they simply believe their shares were WAY oversold prior to this rally. Hence why they have had an active on-market share buyback operating.
Disclosure: I hold SWP shares.
P.S. You wouldn't be too happy if you'd sold them mid-June for tax-loss purposes at under 20 cents... They got down to 17.5 cents/share on June 14th.