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Added 12 months ago

Microsoft currently has a Tech conference : Inspire going on and the following is announced overnight

Welcome to Microsoft Inspire 2023: Introducing Microsoft 365 Backup and Microsoft 365 Archive

Microsoft 365 Backup provides recovery of your OneDrive, SharePoint, and Exchange data at unprecedented speeds for large volumes of data with a restore service level agreement (SLA) -- while keeping it all within the Microsoft 365 security boundary.

• Backup all or select SharePoint sites, OneDrive accounts, and Exchange mailboxes in your tenant.

• Restore files, sites, and mailbox items in your tenant in parallel to a prior point-in-time in a granular manner or at massive scale.

• Search or filter content in your backups using key metadata such as item or site names, owners, or event types within specific restore point date ranges.

You’ll be able to access Microsoft 365 Backup directly in the Microsoft 365 admin center.

You can also get the benefits of this technology by adopting a partner’s application built on top of our Backup APIs. You may choose to do this if you have a preferred partner or if you have non-Microsoft 365 data you also want to back up. Our partners can provide unique and powerful experiences within a single pane of glass for your Microsoft 365 and non-Microsoft 365 data sources. By leveraging the Backup APIs, partner apps can deliver the same unprecedented backup and restore speeds backed by Microsoft assurances – all while keeping that Microsoft 365 data within the trusted Microsoft security and compliance domain.

Get peace of mind that your content is securely and efficiently backed up and restorable in hours rather than months. Microsoft 365 Backup will be available in public preview in Q4 of this year.

12 months ago

So, is this a case of:

"In today's competitive marketplace, a product advantage can be competed away overnight by a simple feature in a competitor's product. That's why it's important to focus on building a sustainable competitive advantage, something that can't be easily copied or replicated." - Michael Porter

Where in this case we replace "competitor" with "partner"? Or will customers continue to see value in having their back-up outside of the Microsoft ecosystem?

Food for thought.


12 months ago

Wow, talk about a huge drop. 25% down (so far) and on very significant volume. circa $65m in market cap up in smoke!

Share price now at levels not seen since..*checks notes*.. 3 weeks ago!

Never a dull moment in small cap land :)

I don't have any insight into the significance of this news. On one hand, I'd imagine the market opportunity is large enough for Dropsuite to still do well. Especially given they seem to be a known and trusted partner for all their managed service providers. Also, it seems like there's some sense in having your back-up provider to be a separate entity. What if Microsoft itself is hacked or attacked? (admittedly very low likelihood and no doubt there'd be very effective partioning)

On the other had, Microsoft could offer bundled offers and a much more streamlined implementation.

Still trying to lock in some time with Charif, but hoping he can provide some clarity.

Outside of this news, the latest investor presentation was pretty encouraging I thought. We now have 5 consecutive quarters of positive operating cash flow.
