Forum Topics MAF MAF Risks

Pinned straw:

Added 12 months ago


Can't seem to find any news or announcements to explain the drop... did the government finally scrap the significant investor visa?


12 months ago

The information in the AFR is not new news and was actually released by MAF as part of the regular disclosure of the unlisted fund June 30th.

Personally if the response is to this issue then it seems it’s another overreaction (potential buy and/top up opportunity) such as was the case with Visa Issue. Looking at the size of the trades into the last 15mins of trading and after hrs it seems some larger parcels were being snapped up in the 4.74 zone after being down in the low 4.40s about 40-50min after the AFR article at 2:51pm. Actually there had been a slow trickle all day and one can only wonder if small retailers have again been subjected to a reactive response before understanding the actual situation.

note: Hold IRL and SM

12 months ago

Would probably be related to this:

MA Financial’s $1.47b Redcape Hotel Group freezes redemptions (

Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman.