Forum Topics CAT CAT Reaffirmed guidance

Pinned straw:

Added 2 years ago

Catapult has today given a trading update following the end of their first quarter (their financial year ends in March)

It looks like the company is (finally!) on the cusp of being free cash flow positive. And top line growth remains strong.


They don't usually do quarterly updates, and there's not a lot of detail, but you can read the full announcement here

Added 2 years ago

The presence of this business in its target markets is undeniable. They just need to right their previously profligate ways, which *should* allow for meaningful profitability. That's what the market is expecting anyway with the swift recent recovery.

Added 2 years ago

Fingers crossed they actually achieve it! Has been a long time coming considering the business has arguably been at scale for some time now.