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12 months ago

Do we know how much work Pointerra was doing before with Entergy? How much of this new (possible) revenue is renewal/replacement vs growth?

12 months ago

Perhaps a bit related or maybe unrelated to this is the following page from $IKE 4C presentation yesterday, which hasn't been posted on the ASX! (Naughty Glenn)

$IKE are starting to do some large scale data capture using Google Maps (Street View images), Apple Maps and Microsoft Bing data for joint use audits with customers. Glenn was saying he thinks it might be big for them if they can execute. It is starting to get into $3DP's space. (It also explains why $IKE are still burning development spend.)

Last year, Glenn said they were collaborating with $3DP with a WA utility. Although its never been mentioned again, and I don't think I've ever heard Ian mention it.

Interesting that $FPL is a customer of both $IKE and $3DP, but Entergy is not (as far as I know) a customer of $IKE. Of course Entergy could use $3DP and integrate it into their workflow with one of $IKE's 2-3 competitors.

As another thought, potentially, a combination of $IKE and $3DP would make sense, but neither has the balance sheet to do that. If I had access to enough private equity I'd have a look at it myself, but I am a few $m short (lol). Of the two, $IKE is larger and if the external environment eases and they get the SP up, they could take out $3DP with a capital a big stretch.

The combination would put $40m revenue +$12m revenue together, it would take out $1-2m of overhead, but importantly it would get some sales and marketing as well as technical revenue-add synergies, together with speeding up the delivery of new utility customer use cases.

The time for private equity to have a punt is now, while both share prices remain quite low.

Given that $IKE and $3DP have worked together, I am wondering if Glenn is having a go at building their own point cloud capability? I assume that given that we never heard more about the WA trial, they concluded that they are competitors and not partners.

Do other Strawpeople have any thoughts on this? My own thoughts are not clear on this, so I am just thinking aloud.



12 months ago

How tied to energy utilities is Pointerra, now and future growth?

12 months ago

Explains why Ian has been so quiet- he has been busy. I took particular note of the two paragraphs below.

Ian mentioned this in his last Strawman interview. Totally agree with @Rocket6 you can’t get better than customer advocacy for your product. This new deal really solidified what Ian I think was getting at.

“FPL has been particularly active in advocating the use of Pointerra3D within the US energy utility sector, which is particularly collegiate in terms of identifying and adopting best practice across all aspects of energy utility operations.”

But the best part of the announcement:

”Pointerra’s fast, massively scalable cloud platform is uniquely placed to support the US energy utilities in this regard, and with the strong advocacy of existing customers, the Company expects to secure additional work from both existing and new customers into the future.”

Although the financial details are not solid yet - I am certainly willing to back this company and CEO. Pointerra looks like it is certainly experiencing strong tail winds and is the exact answer needed at the exact right time.


12 months ago

Wow, just had to refresh my screen as I assumed this was a glitch! I know things are volatile in microcap land, but this is next level (although with the way things are shares could be back at 10c by the close lol)

I think the main points have been well covered already. The other thing i'd underline is the collaborative nature of operators in the US energy market, as Ian has pointed out before, and as is evidenced by this part of the announcement:


This news is important further validation of the tech and with any luck we could see other operators engage Pointerra in a similar capacity. Given the current ACV base, a few wins could really move the dial.

I'm hoping we can get Ian to come back in the coming months to give us all an update.