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12 months ago

Hi @Strawman can I selfishly ask you to reach out to CEO of Botanix Matt Callahan. I see that only 2 of us hold but quite a few people are interested in the biotech space. It is now my largest holding in my Strawman portfolio. As Botanix has an imminent FDA approval due in September and several phase 2 drugs in the pipeline it would be interesting to get a better sense of where he sees the company heading and pin down a few more numbers.




12 months ago

Ditto, its on my watchlist


12 months ago

Hi @Slew He recently did a brief Alan Kohler interview. He is a patent Lawyer - heavily involved in this space and seems very smart and like a straight shooter. The SP in my opinion is grossly undervalued and is the lowest in history of ASX I believe heading into FDA approval. SB looks like a potential $100 million min revenue product. What’s better is that it’s already been approved in Japan. I feel like this one is a no brainer but the skeptic in me wants to leave no stone unturned.


12 months ago

hi @Nnyck777 -- yeah looks interesting. I'll see what I can do.


12 months ago

Thanks for the post Nnyck777 as it quickly reminded me to add to my SM portfolio. I already hold in RL and looking to add a few more so it would be great if we can get a hook into Matt Callahan prior to the anticipated FDA approval.


12 months ago


Following the brief exchange with @Nnyck777 on this one a few weeks ago, I have dipped my toe in the water in RL and will also add today on SM.

I am eagerly researching this, so it would be amazing if we could hear Matt before the FDA decision, although I expect that it is too short notice now.

One question for @Nnyck777, in your reference to Japan sales, what were your sales assumptions for Kaken?

Looking at the corporate presentation, I see they have a FY23 sales target for Ecclock of 1,900m yen or US$13m. At US sales = 3xJapan, that would be $40m in year 3, growing at 50% p.a. If you can unpack your assumption for me, I'll put my valuation out there later today or tomorrow.

But even if I come in way under your $1.92, so for argument's sake let's say I get $0.60 in the success case, and $0.12 in the failure case, and if we agree that Japan sales points to a 70% success case for FDA approval, then on an EMV basis that still makes the valuation 0.3x$0.12 + 0.7x$0.60 = $0.456, and risk reward is risking $0.16-$0.12 for immediate upside of $0.60-$0.16, at 70% chance of success.

And that's before adding any M&A premium, as this would be compelling for a lot of established, bigger players.

So you'd expect it to multi-bag on FDA approval, and then Matt will announce the cap raise ($30million?), so the dilution won't be too bad.

Again, this is just finger in the air stuff, but even on a speculative basis, it looks compelling.

Can you reconcile the 1,900m yen FY23 sales to your assumptions? I've probably done something dumb here.

12 months ago

Just had a read of the bio of the President Vince Ippolito.

Looks pretty impressive and great track record.

Whether he can apply that record here in Botanix remains to be seen.