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Last edited 12 months ago

On top of the favourable NHS progress, there is likely to be reason for optimism closer to home. For those of you who don't know, there is an announcement imminent in NSW with the single digital patient record coming.

Rumour has it that EPIC is the contract winner - all the American staff in Canberra for the 2022 implementation of EPIC there were quite open with NSW being the next job for them. The successful candidate is still officially unannounced.

With 15 LHDs and 3 specialist networks in NSW, each of whom already run their own implementations of an EMR with Cerner and Orion the two most common systems and nobody in NSW using EPIC, it's hard not to think that this would not result in some flow through to Alcidion as there is a need it bridge the past and future.

12 months ago

This logic doesn't make any sense to me. Why if transitioning from one emr to another you'd stick a third one in there?


12 months ago

Interoperability of old eMRs and new ones is a nightmare.

It's less complex if it's system A -> B, but here we have systems A-K all going to System L.

Data extraction in the former situation is a fairly straightforward process, but where you have a person who has data across multiple systems (having received care in multiple LHDs over the course of their life), you have a data nightmare.

Therein lies an opportunity for a good bridging option, and my opinion is that EPICs built in data extraction tools are not going to cut the mustard for the latter situation. It was barely passable for the former situation in ACT. Opinion based on my user experience as I work across both health systems.


12 months ago

While we’re at it could somebody please force Victoria to go to one EMR platform? Why on earth are we using a different platform in each hospital for goodness sake? And god help us when the private hospitals eventually have to go to EMR and all the VMOs have to work out 5 different EMRs


12 months ago

The other piece of the puzzle IMO is that whilst NSW Health will award the contract to whichever provider it has chosen, it will most likely be up to individual LHDs to work out how to extract and translate the data from their previous eMR.

Given many LHDs already use Alcidion modules for tracking patient journeys and managing some aspects of the data, its hard to see there not being a role for Alcidion in the data extraction process. How much it adds to the bottom line is anybody's guess, but it won't be zero.