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Added 12 months ago

Is anyone familiar with the reporting of intuit quickbooks in Australia and NZ?


I have been a longterm holder of Xero, who for a long time have been pretty strong in this segment of the world but in the past 2-3 days I have seen competing advertising from the two companies.

Xero are heavily advertised as part of the coverage of the FIFA womens world cup in big, well positioned ads and banners around the stadium and then today filling my car, I saw quite a small electronic signboard at the service station advertising Intuit.

It made me wonder, do Intuit advertise their subscriber growth and churn like Xero do? I had a quick google and found the above and from the reports I could find of the quarterlies, there is no segment breakdown.

Any one have a clue?

11 months ago

Curious others opinion. Xero has shot up and looking pretty expensive. I am considering selling my holding IRL. What are others thoughts on recent price increase?


11 months ago

Hi @Nnyck777 … psychic … I have just issued my SM "sell " trade about an hour ago, or less. In truth, I sold all my remaining $XRO in RL several weeks ago at closer to $115.

This is a very significant move for me. I’ve held $XRO since late 2016, and sold all initially at $140 and $110 late in 2022 when it was on the way down from its all time highs.

I bought back in SM and RL around $70 when Sukhinder announced her "profitable growth strategy". I was going to decide to either "go big or go home" after hearing her promised US strategy due at the next results. However, I came away from the AGM with a feeling that there might not be a magic bullet on subscriber growth.

This sense is compounded by my observation that they have started pulling the pricing lever. In my thesis, they get a greater penetration of their addressable market BEFORE pulling the pricing lever. So, I have started to lose conviction in my thesis.

I know I may well regret this in the short term. Cost control and pricing increases are likely to more than make up for continuing softer subscriber growth. However, as you observe, there is A LOT in the multiple, and with a discount rate higher than two years ago, it is well-priced.

In my "when to sell" framework, I needed the capital elsewhere and it was hard to be dispassionate and disconnect from my good feelings about the company. In absolute terms, until recently, $XRO has made more money for me than any other ASX investment in the last 7 years. It was one of the hardest calls I’ve made. Time will tell as always. (Several much smarter people than me have price targets north of $140, but on my analysis the risk reward isn’t so great.)

For me, $XRO has always been about the US. And I think $INTU has that stitched up with too many levers to defend its position.

Next week I will write a short straw with some comparative analysis.

Disc: Not held in RL and … if my trade goes through … on SM.


11 months ago

It's a hard one @Nnyck777

On one hand, shares are on almost 13x revenue. Yes, the business is growing at a rate of knots -- 28% at the top line in the last year -- and has a long way to run. Plus, as we saw with the latest results, there's a big potential with margin improvement too.

It has to be one of the highest quality businesses on the ASX, and selling on valuation grounds has usually been something I have ended up regretting...

I'm certainly not a buyer at the current price, but i am mindful I shouldn't be too fussy either.

I guess you also need to factor in tax -- presumably you have a decent capital gains bill (a good problem to have), but if the plan is to sell out and buy back when the valuation is more attractive, it is something you should definitely consider.

That's probably of little help, but that's my 2c :)

12 months ago

@TycoonTerry I think you are right in that $INTU do not appear to provide much granularity into individual markets. I too have observed an uptick in the Australian advertising via various channels over the last year or so, and they have offered attractive promotions to get new customers on the platform.

$INTU sees global expansion as a big opportunity. According to their January strategy presentation they are focused on UK, Canada and Australia, and are reporting a 65% annual services revenue growth (const. curr. excl. MailChimp) in these markets.

However, using Australian Google Trends tracker searches for QBO, doesn't show any discernible trend looking over 5 years, while $XRO continues to build.

Oddly enough, while in October 2019 there was a report saying QBO had grown Australian subscribers in FY19 to 224,000 (Article link), this is still the number on their "About Us" page on the Australian website. Perhaps that's just sloppy site maintenance, but it may mean they haven't gained corporate agreement to disclose a more up to date number - which is my belief. I cannot find any reference to a more up-to-date number.

I suspect that with $XRO the clear market leader in Australia, $INTU are finding the same challenge building share as $XRO are finding in the US - $INTU's backyard.

In terms of revenue growth over the next period, it looks like price increases are going to be a bigger driver than subscriber growth - although the competitors are doing this too - so not sure how churn will move. We'll also see a full period impact of the reduced cost base.

A key milestone is that in November, Sukhinder is committed to communicating the strategy for USA. I am very focused on that. The sugar hit of increased pricing will help maintain momentum in the short term, but longer term they need to prove international expansion to justify the valuation, with SP on 42x EV/EBITDA (FY24 FC). We've seen the SP appreciate +40% over the last 9 months or so on a focus on cost control and committment ot profitable growth. But really there have been no significant developments on market share internationally.
