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Pinned straw:

Added 12 months ago

Oh no… selling more shares Dean.

not personally worried about this, the guy still owns

37% of the business but I guess you’d like to think he’d keep a decent holding… what would that be? 20%? 10%? Even 10% of a billion dollar business is still pretty significant skin in the game…

or is it more about the active role in the business ie founder led?

 Partial Share Sale

Melbourne, Victoria: 11 August 2023 – Cettire Limited (ASX: CTT) (Company or Cettire) confirms that Mr Dean Mintz, Founder and CEO, has agreed to sell down approximately 33.3 million shares in the Company. This sell down represents 8.7% of the Company’s issued capital.

The sale was undertaken at a price of $3.00 per share by way of an underwritten block trade.

Following this sale, Mr. Mintz will retain a 37.2% shareholding in the Company and remain Cettire’s largest shareholder.

Mr Mintz said: “Cettire is in a very strong position with continued momentum, with all key markets performing strongly, as demonstrated in the Company’s FY23 Results released yesterday. In response to strong investor demand, undertaking this share sale provides enhanced liquidity and free float, improving the likelihood of achieving major index inclusion in the short to medium term.”

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Directors of Cettire Limited.

12 months ago

This is the third large sell down by Dean, in I think the last 18 months?

Yes he still owns a lot of the company but it's not a great sign that he keeps selling big chunks of his shares.

I used to own Cettire but something about it just doesn't smell right to me so I sold out a while ago.

Perhaps I'm wrong, and the latest audited results seem to indicate I am, but I don't know, it just doesn't seem to add up.


12 months ago

I actually sold down for the same reasons and concerns around:

security of supply from brands

potential for an economic slowdown to burn the business

but I’m back in (probably at exactly the wrong time)

these results are impressive and I suppose my concern was that in cutting costs growth would stall. The apparent error there was the reason I got back in