Forum Topics SGI SGI FY23 Results

Pinned straw:

Added 2 years ago

Poor old SGI just can't catch a bid. Not the results were bad -- far from it!

On a statutory basis, revenue was 11.4% higher, (or over 17% if you just look at continuing customers). Revenue for continuing operations has averaged 29% per year over the last 3 years.

It's also lifted prices recently, which it expects to boost future profits, and has reiterated its non-discretionary nature as an 'all-weather' distributor.

As you go down the income statement, things get more interesting, with some real operating leverage starting to emerge.

  • EBITDA was up 32.5%
  • Pre-tax profit was up 85.7%
  • and NPAT was up 50% (51.7% on a per share basis)

The cash balance improved significantly to 7.7m and net debt dropped almost 30% to $7.2m. Free cash flow was +$5.6m. So they seem well positioned to start dividends as promised.

The company has an Enterprise value of $19.7m, so it's on a EV/EBITDA of just 3.7x.

The PE is 13.2.

There's not a huge amount of detail in the ASX Release, but I'll try and line up another meeting with the CEO to see if we can get some more insights.

Disc. Held

Added 2 years ago

To paraphrase @Rick's excellent recent straw on Acrow, Stealth is the Little Engine That Might Be Able To. The journey up that hill is slower than I expected. But it is consistently pushing forward. And if it can get there the payoff is huge given low current expectations.

I've been one of the leading advocates for Stealth on SM. A year ago I posted my thesis for Stealth for FY23, which had four parts: $115m rev, $1.5m NPAT, net debt:EBITDA less than 3x, and no capital raise less than 20c. So, 2 out of 4 achieved. All up I'm a little disappointed. But still positive.

The cons: Revenue growth has slowed, and underlying organic growth is slower than headline growth when you take out impact of acquisitions. Progress in growing NPAT is glacial. Mike did not set any guidance for revenue or NPAT for FY23, so even though they missed my expectations, I can't technically give Mike a cross for these. But there is a growing gap between current stats and Mike's consistently communicated targets of $200m rev and 8%+ EBITDA for CY2025. 8%+ EBITDA may still be achievable, but I'm making the call that $200m revenue is not (and I never thought it was; only my 5% probability "blue sky" scenario for Stealth has them getting close, hitting $200m in FY27 not 2025).

The pros: Nothing went backwards, all key stats continue to steadily improve. Planned reduction in debt is on track. There is a clear pathway to previously guided dividend end of FY24, which might be somewhere around 4-5% fully franked yield on current share price. Mike did not get tempted to drive revenue growth through low value acquisitions that would have been painful given debt and share price levels. And potentially the most exciting (and stunning, if there are no catches) is the $5.6m free cash flow (but I need to understand how $5.6m free cash flow reconciles with an "underlying" EBITDA of $5.3m and NPAT of $0.9m; at first glance, these figures don't gel).

And the biggest pro is what I still see as a huge margin of safety. With a tiny current market cap of $12.5m, my base case over the next 5 years is CAGR of only 6%, reaching NPAT of 3%, dividend yield of 2%, and PE of 12, which would give market cap of $51m (ie a 3 bagger) and 5 yr pa ROI of 36%. This is still the highest ROI of all companies I have analysed, and hence still my highest conviction. I'll revise my valuation when I see full reports, but I'm not expecting a massive change based on these preliminaries.

Go little engine, I think you can!


Added 2 years ago

That's what gets me @DrPete -- the current market price just gives them a very low bar to step over.

At any rate, there are some genuine questions which would be good to get some clarity on. Mike's agreed to come speak with us on the 8th of September, so hopefully we can learn more then.

Added 2 years ago

I'd personally wait to see the balance sheet before passing judgement.

Added 2 years ago

Wow, what do these guys have to do to garner a bit of interest from the market ?


Added 2 years ago

Improving margins are key to the investment thesis, I agree @PinchOfSalt

Still, on the numbers presented things seem to be moving in the right direction (although I was hoping NPAT would be better)


Mike has said previously he is targeting an EBITDA margin of 8%, so definitely a good way to go.

There's been a lot of talk about cost synergies, and an established fixed cost base. And there has been some price increases in the second half too -- all of which should help boost margins further in the coming year.

But a lot of detail is missing in this update. I'll be keen to see the full set of accounts.


Added 2 years ago

They also paid down another $3M of debt, with only $2M (+$5.2M working capital) debt left. The NPAT and margin will look a lot better once these debt repayments are finished and it flows down to the bottom line.