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Added 2 years ago

I would put people like him on ignore. You need to follow people who share your mindset and time horizon. If you’re strong and in it for the long-term, you can skip right past all the noise in the interim.


Added 2 years ago

My favourite part about the nasdaq and sp500 is how at the opening they get sold off.

Then once Europe and UK stops trading, both the Nasdaq and SPY manage to recover the losses. It is like some mysterious whale appears to gobble up the sellers and reassure the market.

If only we can trade that via the IVV ETF here!


Added 2 years ago

This kind of action is usually characteristic of bull markets too. Strong closes.

Of course, after the massive run up especially in the Naz this year, some sort of correction wouldn't be out of the ordinary. It's healthy even.

Added 2 years ago

Personally, I think he is wrong and he is just demonstrating how we all revert to the mean…I have IRL holdings in NDQ which I have no intention of getting out of for a couple of decades.



Added 2 years ago

@PabloEskyBruh I second that, I currently have more than 15% of my superannuation fund in NDQ. This speaks for itself in terms of my conviction. The only thing I would emphasise is a long term focus -- NDQ will be more volatile than most (in both directions). I think tech will outperform the market over a period spanning more than a decade and that is the primary reason for my conviction.

Added 2 years ago

It’s hard to keep up. Earlier in the year he was saying sell, then it changed to no I was wrong to say sell to now it’s a sell again. In saying that considering the recent big run up putting a sell (short) on the US markets would not seem like a silly call for a “trader”. Especially as much of it has come from half a dozen+ stocks. Add to that the significant geopolitical risk factors pertaining to overall debt levels. Now watch the US market go on a 20% run. Ha ha ha

Added 2 years ago

While there (to state the obvious) risks with every investment: I do lean towards the view that in 10 years time, I will wish I had purchased more of the NASDAQ. Anyhow, regardless of what NDQ does from here, I am very happy to continue to dollar cost average into it, as I do with my other high conviction holdings, every few months.


Added 2 years ago

Well said @BigStrawbs70 , likewise.