Forum Topics EIQ EIQ Business Model/Strategy

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Added 11 months ago

EIQ announcing progress towards "whole of heart solution". This is where their product becomes compelling as it covers most/ all of the conditions a cardiologist is concerned about. The access to the largest echo-cardiogram database should give them the ability to have greater accuracy if their algorithm can utilise it. New SaaS contracts pending

Six new cardiac decision-support solutions to be introduced between November 2023 & January 2024.

Product expansion will significantly increase EchoSolv’s addressable market.

EchoSolv platform advances towards delivering a “total heart solution” for 8 cardiovascular diseases and diagnostic indicators.

1. Diastolic Dysfunction

2. Heart Failure

3. Hypertension

4. Left Atrial Volume

5. Left Ventricular Mass

6. Mitral Stenosis

Based principally on current industry diagnostic guidelines, these new modules fall outside the scope of FDA regulation which allows us to fast-track their introduction to the market.

Separately, new revenue-generating Software as a Solution (SaaS) contracts for EchoSolvTM’s current modules are pending.

“We are also pleased to confirm that our commercial pipeline for EchoSolv’s current SaaS offering continues to build very favourably and we anticipate adding new revenue-generating contracts with hospitals and cardiologists in the near-term. There are a number of avenues to build the revenue base beyond SaaS deployments and a number of exciting opportunities continue to advance in this regard too.”

Held in SM and RL

11 months ago

@laoshi , you beat me to it! They are fairly rapidly adding modules to their suite which will make it more appealing to prospective users. Still early stages but seem to be checking plenty of boxes.