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Last edited 11 months ago

Strong Day 2 rebound today on good volumes, which is bittersweet as it leaves me with only half a position.

Lends credence to the theory that the selloff was caused by punters hoping for ASX 200 inclusion and closing out their positions when the company fell short of consensus.

11 months ago

Probably the small cap funds buying back in now that they got confirmation inclusion won't happen

For Data#3 to fulfill the liquidity requirement a few things need to happen:

  1. Directors/major shareholders should sell their shares. Telix is a good case study where Dr Christian Behrenbruch sold his stake as part of the admission
  2. Or find a way to issue more shares. Maybe using the existing placement facility or performance rights.

Or maybe a share split could work.


11 months ago

For sure. Personally, I couldn't care less as long as the business is performing well. But when it happens, for the earlier stage investors, it is a massive free hit because of all the forced/passive/mandated buying that takes place after.