Forum Topics DRO DRO HY23 Results

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Added 11 months ago

As expected, the first half results are pretty strong for Droneshield. This slide highlight the key numbers well:


Small point: It's interesting that for a business that is now firmly commercialised and growing, well funded and at the breakeven inflection point, the results preso puts a lot of emphasis on the technology use case and Total Addressable Market. More what you tend to see when there aren't any good financial numbers to do the talking for you! Hard to miss the emphasis on AI too -- they're not blind to what the market is excited about at present.

Anyway, as Oleg said to us recently (see here) the second half is positioned to deliver further growth and the 5 year target of $300-500m in revenue. During our meeting he seemed to suggest around $70m in revenue for the full year (they report on a calendar basis). So that puts shares on a 2.6x sales multiple.

Maybe not that high if they can sustain their growth and hit aspirational targets. I'll try a rough-cut valuation in a moment.

ASX presentation here.

11 months ago

I didn't go but believe it was quite successful.

11 months ago

Droneshield was promoting at the Chief of Army Symposium in Perth this week. Picture of Oleg with one of my clients from CiTech.2fa59b09c41462a0be87780001ecc5e0c70ef6.jpeg


11 months ago

What was the vibe like at the conference @Rudyboy? I'd be curious as to the sentiment among attendees.

11 months ago

Are DRO's products being used in the Ukraine war? As you point out @Strawman they spend a lot of time talking up the market potential, and how the Ukraine war is changing the way militaries view drones but they make no mention of their product actually out in the field being used in a combat. That seems like the best way to show the product's potential...

Clearly the product is selling, but I'm curious as to why it's not being used in that war. Is there some sort of testing that needs to be done?



11 months ago

I'm pretty certain they are @UlladullaDave -- though they do seem fairly coy about it. There was an ABC article earlier this year that said they were being used there.

I also noted that AVA spoke yesterday about their solution being used for a "critical European Border", which made me wonder if that was Ukraine.

Perhaps just some commercial or even political sensitivities at play?


11 months ago

Could very well be. Weird they talked it up to the ABC but go quiet on their ASX presentations.

I'm really torn on this stock. I want to like it, but I am hesitant to buy it. I don't think I'm alone in that mindset. But man, when I look at the accounts and the topline growth, and those margins, I'm like "ahhh should I just do it anyway?".

Errors of omission are far easier for me to deal with than errors of commission I guess.


11 months ago

@UlladullaDave Droneshield has been used in the Ukraine war since Feb 2022. The chairman makes mention of this in his address from April. This unfortunate situation in Ukraine has been the critical turning point for this company. It’s effectively allowed them to advertise their technology.


11 months ago

Agree with the above commentary, Droneshield's products have played a significant role throughout the conflict. In fairness @UlladullaDave DRO management have been pretty transparent about this, so definitely no secret. They can't and won't be able to release further details due to the nature of the customers they are dealing with (defence and national security) -- so not so much political sensitivities, instead a factor of 'keep your capabilities secret from your enemies'. There is no point buying equipment/products to counter/use against your enemy and then having the owner of said equipment tell the world about it.

DRO staff have been required to get the appropriate security clearances to deal with their customers -- there will always be an element of this investment where we won't be privvy to the full picture unfortunately.