Forum Topics PVL PVL Top 5 PVL Positions

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Added 11 months ago

The top 5 positions in the PVL portfolio are now:

  • Cirrus Materials Science = A$1,749,043
  • Ferronova = A$1,034,145
  • SkyKraft = A$930,000
  • Urbix = A$771,070
  • Inhibit Coatings = A$797,827

These (top 5) are collectively valued at A$5.28m, comprising 66% of the total PVL portfolio value of A$7.8m versus a market cap of just $5.55m and $3.2m in cash.

And 4 of these 5 have increased in value across the past 2 years.

Ideally, just a couple of big winners from this set (maybe Cirrus or Skykraft) could lift the PVL portfolio dramatically.

Let's see how FY24 plays out.

11 months ago

Ferronova, in particular, also has a lot of potential.

An Adelaide-based biotech company using magnetic and nanoparticle technology to help surgeons detect and remove early-stage cancer cells during the treatment of gastrointestinal and brain tumours has closed an $11 million funding round led by Renew Pharmaceuticals.

Ferronova’s capital raise also saw participation from existing shareholders Uniseed and Artesian Venture Partners - which backed the company’s $3.5 million Series A raise two years ago – in addition to receiving a $3 million boost via the Australian government’s Co-operative Research Centres Project (CRC-P) grant.

The biotech's diagnostic system is used to improve the detection of cancer metastases, which are cancer cells that break away from where they first formed and travel through the blood or lymph system, forming new tumours in other parts of the body.

The company’s intellectual property (IP) is based on research done by the University of South Australia and Victoria University of Wellington, and has the backing of ASX-listed investment group Powerhouse Ventures (ASX: PVL), PAN Ventures, UniSA Ventures and Wellington UniVentures

Ferronova’s hybrid smart magnetic and florescent nanoparticle technology targets a weakness in existing medical imaging techniques such as CT, PET or MRI scans – all tools that can help detect the presence and spread of various cancers, but can only identify metastases that have grown to a size of 2 to 3 millimeters or more.

According to Ferronova, approximately 25 per cent of patients have cancer cells in lymph nodes that are left undetected.