Forum Topics Upstreet
3 months ago

My update: Rewardle - Withdrawal. Good the Supporting Documents are in the system.

Thanks for this 'Upstreet' forum people.. kiss, kiss


My Email outline below:

It starts with an email to them at explaining:

Hi Support,

Requesting a withdrawal via Rewardle Account, please.

My details / ID below:

Pictures below:

1/ Drivers License Number

#: xxxxxx

2/ Then Rewardle Account shown below:

Rewards: $xxx

3/ xxxx Bank Account: (Photo of the Account Details or statement)

BSB: xxx xxx

ACC: xxxxxxxx

Name: Mrs Mac....

Added Flybuys affiliation. For extra Punch

4/ Flybuys card code:



3 months ago

oooooooh genius @raymon68 Let us know how the flybuys bit goes. Points are like pokemon, you gotta collect them all!

3 months ago

18-April-2024: Has anybody been able to withdraw their "Upstreet Australian Equities" cash/shares balance from Rewardle? I've downloaded the app, I have a balance, but no linked bank account, and the details are locked, I have just rang the 1300 number on the app and got put through to the message bank of a different mobile number which appears to be a private number as there was no mention of Rewardle or any business on the "you have reached the message bank of [phone number], please leave a message" message.


3 months ago

No joy here either @Bear77


3 months ago

Thanks for raising this @Bear77

Let me see if I can find out what's going on.


3 months ago

Ok, I got a reply from Upstreet, and I've got a meeting with them later this week to get more details. What I'm told is that people can get their money back through Rewardle -- but you need to sign up same phone number and email as for upstreet. 

I'll provide more details as soon as I can.


3 months ago

@Strawman this is correct advice.

I have already done this (created the rewardle account) and withdrawn all my moolah from rewardle and its back in my account. All a very painless experience.


3 months ago

@Bear77 I went and tried this the other day with my moonshot funds as a trial before trying to move the strawman rewards.

I requested a withdrawal with the app on the 16th and it landed in my account on the 18th.

put in the request for the larger amount on the weekend so hopefully should come through tomorrow?


3 months ago

Excellent, glad it's working as promised.


3 months ago

I must be the only one with issues....hmmm....

I've downloaded the Rewardle app and can see the monies from Upstreet however when I push "withdraw" it comes back with "add a bank a/c to withdraw" however I can't find where/how to add....


3 months ago

Hi @Jimmy -- try their customer support and if you don't have any luck let me know.


3 months ago

Hi @Jimmy - I had the same issue with no bank account so I rang the help number, got message bank, left message, did not receive a reply, so I emailed them at:

And got a reply the following day asking me for my name, address, bank account details (bank, BSB, A/c number, name of account), proof of account, i.e. a bank statement, and proof of ID such a drivers' licence.

I scanned my passport & drivers' licence, and downloaded a partial statement (recent transactions list) from my online bank (ING Direct) and sent all of that back via return email to Kobie Power, who was the dude at Rewardle customer service who had emailed me back, and he then replied the next day saying that they had raised an order to get my bank account added to my rewardle account and that he would be back in touch with me when that had been completed. That was all last week. No reply from him yet.

However, I just went back on the app and found that my bank account had been added, so I stepped through the "withdraw funds to bank account" process and have received an email that looks like this:


I figured it was worth the effort seeing as it's over $1K. They said on the app that it can take between 2 and 5 business days for the money to hit my account. @Bradbury said it took 2 days, so hopefully by the end of this week, or early next week, with this Thursday being a PH. I'll post here in this thread when the money is in my account.

Hope that helps. It's a bit of mucking around, but better in my account than Rewardle's I reckon.


3 months ago

Additional: Just after I posted that (above in this thread) - I received the following email:


I won't be rating their customer service until the money is in my account, but it seems to be on track so far.


3 months ago

I'd like to take up your offer of assistance Andrew.

Quick summary:

As of today the investment section of the app won't open....simply continues to show "loading" but nothing ever happens.

I've tried to call however simply get a voice message "the person you are after is not available" so this isn't any use either.

When I was able to get in the other day it wouldn't let me withdraw until I added back a/c details but there was nowhere to add?



3 months ago

Just to update my forum post about the funds withdrawal from Upstreet via Rewardle - I had already posted the screenshot of the email saying that they were processing a withdrawl of 843.9 units in the relevant ETF at $1.2743 for $1,075.38. I said I'd update when the money hit my account - and it did this afternoon, and it was slightly higher than that - being $1,080.36, so it looks like the ETF units were sold at $1.2802, or thereabouts, being a little higher than their estimate, and they gave me the higher amount.

So, yes, they did pay me in full and on time, after I supplied all of the relevant documents to them as I've previously explained, so @Jimmy I recommend you read my earlier post in this forum thread that explains how I got my bank account details added in to my account to allow me to withdraw the funds from Rewardle to my own bank account. It starts with an email to them at explaining:

  • Your Name;
  • That you have the rewardle App on your phone already and an "Investing"/Upstreet balance that you would like to withdraw; and
  • that you want to add your bank account details to the App to allow this.

They replied to my email overnight requesting copies of:

  1. Proof of ID, such as drivers' licence;
  2. Your bank account details (bank name, BSB, Account Number and account name); and
  3. Proof of the account being in your name, such as a copy of a recent bank statement.

With #3 there, I went into my online banking and requested a copy of recent transactions which I downloaded as a .pdf file - a screenshot would also work - and that contained the bank logo, and my name and the account number, which is all they need to prove that it's your account. That is what I provided to them. In my email with those attachments (the proof of ID photo of my DL and passport plus the bank transaction list), I also clearly stated my bank account details (as specified at #2 above), and that was all they needed. They replied saying they had raised a job order or something to get that bank account added to my profile on Rewardle and that it could take a few days. It took about 3 or 4 business days and they then replied saying it was done, but I'd already checked earlier in the day and found that it had been done (before they notified me that it had been done) and I had already stepped through the withdrawal process within the app.

Clearly there is a concern when supplying that much info, that it could be used to steal your identity or sold to scammers or added to a list that ends up in the hands of scammers, but I thought it was worth the risk considering it was the only way to get that money out, and if Rewardle goes broke eventually like Upstreet did, then the chance of getting the money out eventually would decrease significantly, so happy to have got the money out. Also, if my bank account becomes compromised I can close it and open a different account. It would be a hassle but it would be doable. I also looked at it from their POV - they have a duty of care to not give my money to anybody who claims to be me and has access to my profile within Rewardle; there are certain requirements with opening bank accounts with banks, and I generally expect similar hoops to jump through when adding a bank account to an App to withdraw more than $1K, or any amount really. So it didn't phase me a whole heap, even though there is clearly risk with providing that level of detailed info to anyone you don't fully trust or know well.

Hope that helps.


3 months ago


Thanks for spelling it out in easy steps for lazy people that have been meaning to get around to it for some time but haven’t got off the sofa yet

we all have our weaknesses!


3 months ago

@Chagsy keep taking the GLP-1s! :-)

10 months ago

Upstreet Update:



10 months ago

An update on the Upstreet potential successor. Looks like Rewardle has taken up the reigns.


7 months ago

Just linked my upstreet account and it’s all there. The ASX release provides further details. Seems like it will be good to go once the new PDS is completed. You can then either stick around or cash out.


7 months ago

I've also downloaded the rewardle app and linked my upstreet.

My upstreet value is still there!

I'll be cashing out once given the chance. Rewardle seems too...hyper-commerialised? Is that the adjective i'm looking for? It feels yuk.

Also, they never provided me a tax statment for FY22-23. They didn't even reply to my email. So yeah. I don't like 'em.

11 months ago

We've reversed any redemptions that were made to UpStreet since the start of September.

Members had reported that these transfers were still showing as "pending" on UpStreet so it looks like they were never allocated to the fund.

As always, let us know if you have any questions.


7 months ago

@Strawman Have you had any updates on what is going on with Upstreet / Cache / Rewardle?


7 months ago

Nothing as yet @Bradbury. It's not unexpected it's taking so long, but that makes it no less frustrating.

I was hoping to enlist Raiz to help us with our award program but they are dragging their feet somewhat.. I'll keep pushing.


7 months ago

Dear Upstreet Fund Investor,

As previously advised, the Upstreet Fund will now be accessible with Rewardle Holdings (ASX: RXH). You can learn more about this development here:

You can now reconnect to your account using the Rewardle app by following these steps:

1. Download the Rewardle app

2. Create an account and login

3. Tap the "Investing" icon and follow instructions

We're here to help if you have any trouble, just email

Once your account is connected, you'll be able to check your balance, review transaction history and redeem your investments from the Upstreet Fund.

While our priority has been to provide you with the opportunity to withdraw from the Fund, we'd love to see you stick around and continue your investing journey with Rewardle.

We are working with Cache to prepare a new Product Disclosure Statement. Once the new PDS is made available, we can start accepting new investments into the Fund, including new reward offers from participating partners.

Kind regards,

Ruwan from Rewardle