Pinned straw:
It’s really an early stage BTI (Bailador). For those with a higher risk tolerance and willing to sit back and wait for the various funding rounds to proceed there looks to be an opportunity. So in effect it’s real venture capital investing.
Using BTI as a comparison it seems the cash is what the business is being valued at with the unlisted investments at this stage making small impacts on the overall price. With BTI you are basically getting the unlisted holdings for free with the valuation covering cash and listed shares.
It’s possible that until PVL gets its first public listed investment it might be slow progress as it cycles in and out of unlisted opportunities slowly increasing its cash reserves.
However, it may only take one of its investments to public list at a significant premium for this to pop!
Held: IRL (to scratch the VC itch)
@TEPCapital do you have any thoughts on what is likely to happen beyond Dec 23, as my understanding is that all of the options that were granted in leu of salary to the directors and leadership team will expire out of the money. Do you think they are likely to keep taking their salary as options or will opex costs increase dramatically in 2024 as everyone wants a salary again. Working for 2 years without a payback must be a tough pill for some of these guys.
it definitely appears undervalued but I don’t really see a catalyst to change that in the near term.