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Added 2 years ago

~63m Cash in the bank from latest NTA report is higher than ~59m market cap.

So one could argue that you are getting the stable of investments for $0 and the stock is cheap. I wonder if there is any upside on any of the portfolio companies from their current $60m valuations.

The only downside to that argument is if the venture fund torches the other $60m on its next rounds of investment. In their defence, a 2020/2021 vintage is particularly hard in VC with the big market reset on listed growth stocks equally hitting VC funds.

Added 2 years ago

Know nothing about the companies in their stable except Sendle which I interact with regularly as a parcel recipient and occasionally as a parcel sender.

From a customer's perspective, Sendle seems like a great little business and I would have thought it was doing ok, but surprised to see the carrying value is below half the invested capital... tough times!


Added 2 years ago

Agree seen sendle around too, I think some of the investment do have value as they've sold a few.

I don’t think any of it will be recognised on the ASX until it’s sold and cash though, so will trade at a persistent discount. It’s really just take management word for the value as there’s no cash flows to look at and no dividends.


Added one year ago

Now at a $47M market cap with $63.1M in cash and $48.8M in 'supposed' investments. Market clearly doesn't believe the investments are worth anything and management will just burn through the rest - 25% discount to cash backing - how cheap can it get!