Forum Topics WAM WAM August Report

Pinned straw:

Added 2 years ago

Just Add to the August Report:

Aug Update: PowerPoint Presentation (

What are the Wilson Stocks vs Straw Stocks? Wilsons have RMD


Snap shot at 13th September


Top 20 Holdings






Added 2 years ago

Anyone else worry about LICs with share price > NAV like WAM Capital, WAM Research and WAM Micro?

I’m not sure of the logic in buying something for 14% more than the price of its unrelated parts (with additional fees attached). Like the idea of digging around in these LICs and cherry picking them for ideas though so thanks for posting.

(Oh, and don’t get me going on WAM Strategic Value, a fund of funds)


Added 2 years ago

I think the "genius" of Wilson funds management business is the consistent dividends of their funds. If you are an investor who only thinks about fully franked yield as the most important thing then their products look great. Add in the fact their performance figures don't include fees or taxes (unlike every other fund) this makes Wilson's funds look significantly better than the performance investors actually receive, returns after fees (dividend + growth) is what actually matters...


Added 2 years ago

As a holder of WMI I would be quite interested to see someone smarter than me comment on the performance and numbers if it was reported in the way each other fund does.


Added 2 years ago

I had a spreadsheet to track actual performance (without reinvestment of dividends due to complexity) from when I owned WMI. Here are some numbers for reference.


June 17 = $1.1 (start price)

August 23 = $1.30

Dividends over the period:

49c full franked

70c grossed up

My spreadsheet gives me a compound return including the dividends of 8.3% compared to the ASX XNT of 7.86% (both remove franking credits as tax).

If I put in on a gross basis the $1.30 + 70c and 6.16 year time period into the CAGR calculator I get 10.2% as a gross return. All cases dividends aren't reinvested so a little more performance there.

While I'm not saying the microcap fund has performed poorly, actually does quite well compared to other funds. However, WMI website currently gives a figure of 15.6% compound return before tax and fees since inception, a significant difference to the figures I calculate above as the real return for investors.