I had a spreadsheet to track actual performance (without reinvestment of dividends due to complexity) from when I owned WMI. Here are some numbers for reference.
June 17 = $1.1 (start price)
August 23 = $1.30
Dividends over the period:
49c full franked
70c grossed up
My spreadsheet gives me a compound return including the dividends of 8.3% compared to the ASX XNT of 7.86% (both remove franking credits as tax).
If I put in on a gross basis the $1.30 + 70c and 6.16 year time period into the CAGR calculator I get 10.2% as a gross return. All cases dividends aren't reinvested so a little more performance there.
While I'm not saying the microcap fund has performed poorly, actually does quite well compared to other funds. However, WMI website currently gives a figure of 15.6% compound return before tax and fees since inception, a significant difference to the figures I calculate above as the real return for investors.