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Pinned straw:

Added 10 months ago

I'm going through the process for voting at the Laserbond AGM and it seems that there is no way on online voting - the only options are to send the proxy form directly to Laserbond by:

  • emailing a scanned form;
  • fax;
  • mail;

or hand it in in-person at the AGM.

This strikes me as:

  • archaic (I note that Innovation is prominent on their website); and
  • not being good governance, e.g., how does the Voter know that their vote has been counted?

Maybe I'm missing something - do many other ASX-listed companies not support online voting?

10 months ago

I noticed the same thing for XRF’s 2023 AGM Proxy Form. The only option is to print it and fill it out by hand then either post it or scan and email it. First world problem, but what a pain when you hold both LBL & XRF (IRL)! Life’s too short to not be using online voting!