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Valuation of $1.010
Added 2 months ago

Monday 13th May 2024: I don't have any particular insight into LBL - at least nothing that hasn't been shared here already, so I'm relying on other wise heads here, but it all checks out, so I'm a shareholder of LaserBond now.

My $1.01 price target ("valuation") is simply an average of the following most recent valuation estimates by:

My thought are more aligned with Wini's higher valuation, however the $1.01 average provides a good MOS (margin of safety). And they're available for around 70 cents/share at this point in time, so... Yeah, I'm buying.

And I expect that price target to rise over the next few years as the business continues to grow. They are far from a mature company - they are relatively young, still small enough to be under most radars, and there is a long and wide runway of growth ahead of them. It all comes down to execution, and while that may not be outstanding at this point (for instance in terms of ensuring they have enough skilled workers at all times to keep up with demand), it's better than average IMO, and there is more good than bad here.

As @Wini recently pointed out, when LBL have issues they are always upfront with shareholders about those issues and they tend to give realistic timeframes rather than the regular "overpromise and underdeliver" strategy of some of the over-promotional CEOs and MDs that we see elsewhere with some microcaps.

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Valuation of $1.150
Added 2 months ago

LBL was plagued by some familiar issues in the 1H24 result. Labour and raw material input shortages meant margins took a short term hit, though a platform is now set into FY25 with 15 new skilled immigrant workers brought in uniformly across LBL's national footprint in March and a new supplier approved and scaled up for their key OEM customer in the Products division.

LBL will achieve their $60m FY25 revenue target including the revenue from their 40% of the recently acquired WA based Gateway Group, though given that revenue isn't consolidated in the financials I assume the business will record $55m organically (~20% growth). Gross margins should hold steady at management's 55% target, but it is scale over opex that should see strong earnings growth with the bring forward of the step change of employee expenses in FY24.

LBL has previously had NPAT margins between 12-13% but scale with revenue growth should see that creep up towards 14-15% in FY25 or ~$8m NPAT. The most recent figures provided for Gateway was $2.9m PBT in FY23 but the business was growing pre-LBL investment and should accelerate in FY25 as they install LBL cladding cells to drive further growth.

Adding another $1m unconsolidated NPAT from Gateway brings the group to $9m, a 15x multiple sets a price target of $1.15.

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#Capital Allocation
Added 3 months ago

Since LaserBond is quite popular within our community and I have a feeling that a lot of us, regardless of size, have a position in the Company, I'm interested to know what your approach to capital allocation would be if you were in Wayne's and Matt's position, knowing you have the following tools in the capital allocating toolkit:

  1. acquisition-driven M&A (via debts or equity)
  2. paying down debt
  3. dividends
  4. share repurchases
  5. reinvesting in the existing business

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#Director buying
Added 4 months ago

It’s not a huge purchase but there is generally only one reason for directors to buy shares in a business. On the 26th and 27th February 2024, Non-executive Director Ian Neal bought 25,000 Laserbond shares at $0.75 per share, total value $18,750. Ian is paid a total of $60,000 per year for his role on the board.

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Added 4 months ago

Laserbond has updated the market with further details about the gateway purchase -


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Valuation of $1.000
Added 4 months ago

Laserbond (ASX: LBL) updated valuation of $1.00 based on their 1H FY24 results, and Investor presentation released on 21/02/204.

Key question as always; do management deserve shareholder trust based on their strategy, execution, and capital allocation decisions. 

Levers for multi-year domestic growth in place with their WA Expansion through the Gateway Group acquisition. Consider it to be an excellent strategic fit for both companies and structured so that both are incentivised to perform. 

They still deserve my trust, so I see this an opportunity to accumulate during the current SP drop due to their softer 1H FY24 performance.


Strong performance of Services Division with revenue of $11.19 m; a 15.4% increase vs. $9.69 m in 1H23 and an almost doubling since 1H22.

Revenue increase of 8.7% vs. pcp $ 20.28 m from $ 18.65 m 

Gross profit margins increased slightly from 51.8% in 1H23 to 52.2% in 1H24

Signed agreement to purchase an initial 40% of Gateway Group with an option to move to 51% within three years, securing a foothold in Western Australia.

21.1 % increase for Cash in hand vs. pcp. Working capital at $17.94 m as of 31st Dec 2023

Interim dividend of 0.8 cents per share, fully franked.

Negatives / What to Watch

Revenue recognition delays in their Technology business.

Supply chain issues in their Products division.

Expense increase to $6.60 million vs. $5.04 million in pcp

EBITDA decrease of 9.1 % vs. pcp  

NPAT decrease of 15.6 % vs, pcp

Company's Future Focus

Expansion into WA provides an opportunity to fill a gap in the market for sophisticated and bespoke technology and service delivery for a range of large, heavy-industry customers.

Appointment of a buy-side broker to advance progress into the North American surface engineering market.

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#Gateway Purchase Details
Last edited 4 months ago


Gateway Group

The reason details were lacking in today’s announcements regarding the purchase of Gateway are now apparent. Laserbond have just released an ASX update.


It looks like a great fit for Laserbond providing a base to further expand the business in WA through increased efficiencies and possible synergies with the hard- chrome plating part of the Gateway’s business. Gateway has some large mining services clients that should help to boost Laserbond’s revenues. While it will add to the capex and dilute shareholdings initially, this looks like a good long-term investment for Laserbond. I like the deal!


About Gateway

Established in 2010 to offer a more affordable and customised approach than original equipment manufacturers, Gateway has quickly established itself as a reliable machinery parts supplier.

Our purpose built workshop in Perth (Western Australia) allows us to provide flexibility in our services and allows our customers an involved and specific approach to their machine and maintenance requirements.







Held IRL

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Added 4 months ago

ASX Announcement

Just as I was shutting down for the weekend, this came through.

Consideration is 4.5 x Gateways's FY23 EBITDA of $5.6m

So, 40% = $10.0 m

Paid as:

a) $4,894,433 cash

b) $5,974,729 in LBL shares based on a VWAP of $0.85444 per share.

$LBL has the right to acquire up to 51% in total.

Further shares to 100% at Gateway's shareholder's discretion.

Consideration for additional shares up to 4.5 x EBITDA up to a max. of 3 years average EBITDA. Method of cash and / or scrip to be decided at the time.

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#Investment Decision
Added 4 months ago

I'll not repeat any of the results and commentary today on $LBL, as I think everything is well-captured.

While also irritated at the clarity of the deal communication, we are learning time and again, that our small cap management team's and Boards simply need to develop their investor communication capabilities. While it is something to bear in mind from a governance and risk perspective, if I trust in the integrity of management, I'll cut them some slack.

I was also not unduly disappointed with the operating performance. Gross profit and %GM continue to progress.

The expense increase lacks explanation: $5.04 to $6.60m! But perhaps they felt it goes without saying given the things they are doing as part of the strategy. It is one to watch, and if expenses continue to expand in an outsized fashion, then that will be a flag for me. A more sophisticated management team would have provided more detail here.

The continued slow progress on the technology division is disappointing. However, this is a relatively new area for them, and I'd rather they continue to innovate subject to exercising capital discipline. The commentary indicates that they are managing this and adapting as they go. It will take time to get the business model and the execution around it right. It remains core to the thesis.

I am glad they are expanding the business to WA and I'm not too fussed about the $60m target, or how they get there.

So, while today had more bad news than good, that's the time to buy if the thesis is intact. For me the thesis is intact, so I increased my small RL holding by 25% at $0.75, and will put a corresponding SM order in now.

Disc: Held in RL (2%) and SM

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Valuation of $0.900
Added 4 months ago

Update 23/02/2024

Updating based on 1H FY24 results.

Management have reiterated that their FY25 revenue target of $60m will be met, albeit with an acquisition.

The acquisition makes the numbers a little messy as its hard to tell exactly how much contribution it will have to the bottom line but margins for the half disappointed so I will have to revise down some margin expectations at FY25.

Some revision of assumptions:

  • FY25 revenue of $60m
  • 10% net margins (decreased from previous expectations) = $6m NPAT
  • SOI likely to increase given their scrip consideration for acquisition. Assuming it rises to around 115m SOI

At 20x PE for FY25 gives share price of around $1.04. Discounting this back gives a valuation of $0.90.

Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman

Update 21/08/2023

Update based on FY23 results:

  • Revenue = $38.61m
  • NPAT = $4.76m
  • Net margins = 12.3%

Management once again reiterated their revenue target for FY25 for $60m. Now only 2 FY's away so discounting back 2 years gives us a valuation of $1.08.

Overall track record of the business in achieving targets has been questionable however. As shown in the current report which once again delayed any revenue from the technologies division. Although they did say this was timing related and that it should be recognised in the next report. Time will tell I guess.

I think the current share price ($0.84) assumes that revenue in FY25 will be around $46.5m on a 12% net margin. So if the next few reports show that they are getting close to the revenue target, we could see a decent re-rate.

Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman

Original Valuation

Very brief look at the company.

Management are guiding for $60m revenue by FY25.

Assuming they hit that target and at net margins of 12% gives NPAT of $7.2m.

At a PE of 20x in FY25 would give a share price of $1.31

Discounting this back 3 years at 10% pa gives valuation of $0.99.

Disc: Have taken a small position IRL to continue to monitor, have placed a buy order on SM to reflect this.

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Added 4 months ago

Laserbond announced that has made an acquisition of Gateway Group in order to expand their business into WA.

The details of the acquisition are not very clear...

  • LBL will acquire an initial 40% equity interest in Gateway Group which will reach a minimum of 51% in 3 years from settlement date
  • This will be paid in part cash and part scrip
  • LBL is valuing Gateway at 4.5x EBITDA although this is the "enterprise value"
  • Gateway had EBITDA of $5.6m
  • The cash component will be funded from current cash reserves and will leave the business with $4.8m remaining
  • LBL had cash reserves of $10.2m as at 31 Dec 2023

So based on what they've provided, the cash component of the transaction will be around $5.4m with the remaining in scrip. I'm hoping management give some further clarification as to the exact details of the transaction given that this is their way of achieving their guidance of achieving $60m in revenue by FY25.

Full announcement here.

Disc: Held IRL and on Strawman.

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#FY24 - H1 Results
Added 4 months ago

Half Year Results - FY2024 - Laserbond

Laserbond... the first small cap company I dipped my toe into, and as such, I have a soft point for them. As I type away, the market did not like the results, with the SP dropping almost 14% to $0.75.

A few key financial updates:

  • Revenue: Increased by 8.7% to $20.28 million from $18.65 million from the PCP.
  • EBITDA: Decreased by 9.1% from the PCP.
  • NPAT: Decreased by 15.6% from the PCP.
  • Cash: Increased by 21.1% from the PCP.

For those of you (much like myself) who like pretty pictures...



Division updates:

  • Services Division: Revenue of $11.19 million, representing a 15.4% increase over $9.69 million in 1H23. EBITDA decreased slightly due to growth costs, from $3.04 million to $2.98 million. The gross profit was consistent, with margins of 55.8% and 55.6% for 1H24 and 1H23, respectively.

  • Products Division: Faced challenges due to an unexpected withdrawal from trading by a supplier of raw materials needed for manufacturing products for a large OEM customer. An alternative supplier was sourced, but the delay in manufacturing componentry and testing led to delays in order fulfillment and revenue recognition. Efforts to expedite the process included air freighting components from overseas.

  • Technology Division: Generated revenue of $0.42 million, largely from a technology sale to Swinburne University in Victoria, with additional contributions from licensing fees and the sale of consumables to licensees in the United Kingdom and New Zealand. Other technology sales revenue has been dependent on customer timeframes. A revision to the operational scope in response to redefined customer requirements for the North American cell is progressing, with factory and field testing required before revenue recognition can occur. Revenue from the sale of the Curtin University and Indian cells is expected in late 3Q24.

My view:

The market has looked at the pretty picture on the front page outlining EBITDA down 9.1% and NPAT down 15.6% and decided to hit the sell button - this is an overreaction.

Yes, there were supply chain issues in the products division due to an "unexpected withdrawal from trading by a supplier of raw materials componentry needed to manufacture products for a large OEM customer". Admittedly, this isn't a great look, but these things happen... it's about how the company solves the issue, and Laserbond sourced an alternate supplier. They attempted to get the components air freighted from overseas but were unable to get them over in time to enable the shipment of most order before year-end.

I like Laserbond's move to sign an agreement to purchase an initial 40% of Gateway Group, with an option to move to 51% within three (3) years.

I also like Laserbond committing to their prior outlook with Wayne Hooper stating, “With the inclusion of Gateway Group’s revenue, LaserBond will achieve its FY25 $60 million revenue target". The strategic focus for the next period will be leveraging the strengths of Gateway, incorporating our surface engineering capabilities into Western Australia, and completing research into an acquisition for North America".

My thesis on Laserbond is unchanged at this stage - I think this is a blip for a company that has proven over the last few years that it's making the right steps in the right direction.

Disc: I hold at small size IRL and on Strawman... and I'm thinking about adding...

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#Share Price Action
Added 5 months ago

Share price decline on some higher-than-average volume isn't great in the lead up to the results - may be nothing.

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#Market clarification
Added 6 months ago


Dear Shareholders

Market Clarification

Investors may have read an online post today presenting misleading information about the

company and its performance and asserting personal opinions about the current

management and board.

LaserBond rejects these unfounded and disingenuous allegations. The individual responsible

for circulating this information has, during the course of 2023, made numerous attempts to

return to LaserBond in a non-executive or executive role, all of which have been unsuccessful

for several reasons. The Board does not believe their return is in the company's and its

shareholders' best interests.

If anyone would like further information, please email

providing your name and contact number, and the Chairman, CEO and/or CFO will be in

contact directly:

Approved for lodgement by the Board of LaserBond.

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#Bull Case
Added 7 months ago
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#2023 AGM
Added 9 months ago

Wayne Cooper spoke at the AGM today -- I didn't attend, but in the release to the ASX there was an update on the revenue growth so far for FY24.

Before that, it's worth highlighting (as Wayne did) the last 3 year's worth of growth:


So far in FY24, the company has seen revenue increase by 12.6% above the same period last year. (he actually makes the comparison to FY22 but I assume that's a typo)

At any rate, in his words, the company is "well positioned and primed to continue its strong growth". He once again emphasised the investment made in people, skills and equipment.

Importantly, Wayne reiterated the FY25 revenue target of $60m. Obviously, that's great to hear. But it will require an acceleration of the average growth achieved in recent years, and a doubling of the growth seen in the first quarter.

I've lined up a meeting with Wayne for November 21 to see if we can't get a better grip on the reasons behind this expectation. But if they get anywhere near that target, and more or less maintain margins, the current PE of 20 seems rather tame.

Disc. Held

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#Share Price Action
Added 9 months ago

Not covered with glory here. below is my LBL dividend statement! how did this happen? i had a bushranger (low) bid in for a lot more stock, in the end of year volatility i got hit for 76 shares and then i hoped it would pull back and complete the trade or something, no luck, dumb move. should have raised and closed. now my trade has expired! at least its franked! lol


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#Meeting Overview
Added 9 months ago

Hey Straw people,

I'd like to share with everyone the experience of the site visit and meeting with Wayne and Matt - the duo steering the LaserBond ship a few weeks back. (Disclaimer: I hold LBL in my real-life portfolio)

I had a really good time there at their HQ in Sydney. It was an incredible and eye-opening experience. Wayne and Matt were very friendly and approachable and throughout our meeting, were also very generous with their time and knowledge, shown in their willingness to listen to my line of questioning and how thorough their answers were.

I managed to ask them a few questions about their backgrounds, competitive landscape, organisational structure, and their thinking process on capital allocating topics. A few are as follows:

  • "How do you measure success?" - to which Wayne suggested that a success to him is to watch LaserBond continues growing without him. Through Wayne's answer, I learned that his vision of success is tied to building a robust team and culture at LaserBond - one that can sustain itself over the long term. To this end, he has assembled a dynamic management team comprising heads of R&D, Operations, HR, Finance, and Marketing. They work together with the goal of driving LaserBond forward, allowing Wayne to shift his focus from day-to-day operations to strategic planning and capital allocation. For me, this tells a lot about Wayne's and the Company's commitment to nurturing talent and fostering a self-sufficient structure.

  • "If you could choose one and only one ratio, for example profit per x or cash flow per x, to systematically increase over time, what x would have the greatest and the most sustainable impact on LaserBond's economic engine?" - I got answers from both of them. Wayne described this "x" would be around the efficiency-value contributed to customers (such as the number of hours of reduced downtime) and ESG standpoint (as in the number of worn parts that got scrapped). Matt said that for him, "x" would be the number of new customer orders from new industries/sectors - which somewhat reveals an important driver of LaserBond's growth story and tells me that the risk of economic dependency is always on his mind.

  • Competitive Landscape - It is believed that most competitors are typically small family-run businesses that are just happy to be where they are hence no investments made in R&D, sales and marketing simply because "they don't want to grow too big" - this represents huge opportunity for expansion. Also on this topic, I got to ask both Wayne and Matt about the selection criteria for acquisition targets to which Matt assured that would not expand for the sake of doing it and actively look for businesses that are profitable and possess the right tool, equipment, complementing technology and most importantly, the skilled management team and labour force with expertise, given the challenges of finding skilled operators.

And to reflect on the general feeling about the business, I genuinely believe that there is a sense of cost-focus and a frugal approach to most things around the business. This was shown in minimalistic and functional offices and furniture (almost to me too simple and there's nothing that screams ostentatious or fancy), most of the tools and equipment in the lab are second-handedly purchased though still very functional, and the Wayne playfully refers to himself as T-rex - an analogy for having a deep pocket and short hands.

I talked and discussed about LaserBond a bit more here if you are interested in learning about the company.

I hope you find this helpful.

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Added 9 months ago

I'm going through the process for voting at the Laserbond AGM and it seems that there is no way on online voting - the only options are to send the proxy form directly to Laserbond by:

  • emailing a scanned form;
  • fax;
  • mail;

or hand it in in-person at the AGM.

This strikes me as:

  • archaic (I note that Innovation is prominent on their website); and
  • not being good governance, e.g., how does the Voter know that their vote has been counted?

Maybe I'm missing something - do many other ASX-listed companies not support online voting?

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#FY23 results
Added 10 months ago

@Wini very interested in your view on $LBL.

It was on my shortlist of "companies I would like to increase if it hits certain criteria". It did. So I added on SM and RL. Unfortunately, I didn't see if there was an investor call today and, in any event, I was spread too thinly and missed it if there was.

Keen to hear what any other StrawPeople observed.

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#FY23 results
Added 10 months ago

Revenue up 7% on prior half. H2 revenue of $19.9 M. ($38.6 M for FY2023).

Gross margins 54% (53% prior half).

NPAT: $4.76 M

Diluted EPS: 4.34 cents per share for FY 2023.

Final divvy: 0.8 cents per share

Outlook: Laserbond maintain FY2025 $60 million revenue target remains on track.

$2.5M id licencing fees that were guided to be earned in FY2023, have been delayed and will be recognised in FY2024. Flagged recent sales wins in India and another large offshore OEM manufacturer expected to see revenue recognition in FY2024.


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#Share Price Action
Last edited 11 months ago

Big(ish) drop on high volume leading into the results - usually not a great sign.

Interested to see if there is anything to it.

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#1H FY23 Results
Added one year ago

$LBL posted their results today.

After a rollercoaster week of results, I'll post their entire results summary because it is so well written and shows a really well-managed founder-led company. (My thanks for @Wini for putting me on to them).

My Takeaway: Great results on every dimension: both segments, financials, cash, dividend, outlook.

Held: RL (1.2%) SM (2.9%)




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#ASX Announcements
Last edited 2 years ago

20/10/22 LBL 2022 AGM Presentation

Coming back to LBL's AGM after Wayne's meeting the other day where I thought he did a fantastic job of describing the business and the positive outlook. Just a few short years after I attended an AGM where I was the only non-family member or employee present, LBL now has a much wider following with various brokers and funds on board now.

The update on FY23 was strong at the AGM, 36.4% revenue growth in the core Products and Services segments, with the Technology sales yet to be delivered and revenue recognised. No guidance on margins was given but I was extremely impressed at how they were managed in FY22 and there was commentary that inflationary pressures were yet to impact the business with price increases successfully passed on.

I am expecting 50% revenue growth for LBL in FY23, while the 1Q23 36.4% growth rate is below trend, the fact Technology sales haven't been booked yet will make up the difference.

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#Meeting Overview
Added 2 years ago

I really don't intend to come across as gushing fan-boy when I speak to some of these management teams...But sometimes our guests say all the right things.

I think Laserbond is very interesting at this juncture, and can see why a lot of people like it.

Personally, I really like CEOs with an engineering background. They may not have the polish of a career executive, but they tend to have a relentless focus on the product and are usually pretty straight shooters when it comes to investor communication. And with Wayne, you also have someone who has immense experience and a huge alignment to shareholders.

Despite being a $100m listed company, it very much has a family business vibe, and Wayne really managed to underscore the kind of things you tend to get with those operations -- a longer term focus and an adversity to undue risk.

As was made clear during the chat, the Technology division is the one to watch. Licensing the tech and supplying the equipment and consumables seems like a great way to scale into other markets in a way that is very capital efficient. Plus, you have to love the 'razor & blade' model, with them taking a 15% clip on all consumables.

The target of $60m in revenue by FY25 -- which Matt and Wayne were careful to stress is NOT a forecast -- represents a double from current levels. Moreover, Matt said he thought *NET* margins could expand to as much as 20%. That gives you an EPS of 11cps, compared to 3.5cps in FY22. In that context, the current PE of 25 does not seem excessive -- although, as always, only on the proviso they get close to this target.

As I mentioned in the chat, I personally don't get too hung up on the specifics of these targets, but if it's directionally accurate then there's likely a good degree of upside for shareholders from the current level.

One of the more important structural/macro trends I continue to think is important in the coming decade or so is the domestic capex boom we will see as a result of a reduced dependence of China and Government stimulus (pretty much the thesis people like Russel Napier are pushing). If there's any legitimacy to that, it seems it'd be a good tailwind for a business like Laserbond.

Another factor that is a positive for me is that more than a few smart investors I know really like the company -- including Wini (who has held on Strawman since 2018) and Steve McCarthy from DMX. Not to outsource any thinking or responsibility, but that is something i tend to notice. I'm more than happy to ride coat tails!

Shares are pretty thinly traded, but for a long term hold I think it looks very interesting and plan to add a small position.

Oh, and I definitely plan to take up Wayne on his offer and arrange a site visit. Once I have details i'll share them here.

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#Podcast coverage
Last edited 2 years ago

Ahead of our meeting with Wayne Hooper CEO of $LBL later this month, I recently came across Owen Rask’s (aka @Owen ) interview and site visit. It’s a really good discussion of the history of the company, the family-owner-manager mindset, economic drivers, customers, and the technology licensing strategy.

Thoroughly recommend to those interested.

edited to add the link:

Disc: Held in RL and SM. (Small position)

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#Podcast coverage
Added 2 years ago
  1. Owen Rask talking to Wayne hooper from laserbond. Fascinating listen

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#ASX Announcements
Added 2 years ago

25/8/22 LaserBond 2022 Annual Report

A very strong set of numbers from LBL to finish the year. After downgrading revenue guidance from $35m to $30-31m a couple of months ago I had fear the numbers could look ugly but it appears the revenue miss was largely from delayed Technology sales with the core Services and Products segments doing well and remaining very profitable.

Arguably the numbers look even better than the headlines suggest, with the company failing to normalise out the effects of Covid grants and a lower tax rate from asset write offs in the prior period. Despite missing their revenue targets gross margins improved from 51% to 54%, a fantastic result considering I expected GM's to weaken after revenue contributions from new acquisitions running lower GM's before LBL's technology could be implemented and scaled.

Adjust for the Covid benefits last year and PBT margins grew from 11% to 17% with the total number of $5.3m nearly doubling on last year.

Like a lot of other businesses the balance sheet has some interesting movements with receivables spiking (watch this in the next period) and higher inventories as well. Digging into the notes (7), nearly all of the inventory build is work in progress which would be the Tech sales that fell into FY23. I'd expect that to unwind relatively quickly given management were originally hoping to recognise those sales in FY22.

Overall commentary was very positive with management believing international growth momentum can recover as Covid restrictions ease, they are targeting an acquisition in WA to bolster their national footprint and re-iterated a $60m FY26 revenue aspiration.

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#Share Purchase Plan
Last edited 3 years ago

LaserBond Limited is pleased to offer you the opportunity to subscribe for fully paid ordinary shares in the Company (New Shares) under a Share Purchase Plan (SPP).  

Under the SPP, Eligible Shareholders have the opportunity to subscribe for up to $30,000 of New Shares at an issue price of $0.87 per New Share (Issue Price). The Issue Price represents a 5.4% discount to the closing price of Shares on 14 December 2021 and a 7.7% discount to the volume weighted average market price of Shares over the last five days on which sales of Shares were recorded on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) immediately prior to the Company undertaking its recent placement.

To view the Share Purchase Plan Offer Booklet, please click here

Not a lot of detail as to what the funds will be used for - in the SPP booklet it just says "The Board presently intends that the funds raised from the SPP will be applied towards working capital"

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#Broker / Analyst Views
Added 3 years ago

13-Sep-2021:  CCZ Equities Research report:  LaserBond (LBL):  Laser focused on global growth opportunities

Analyst:  Thomas Chapman, email:, Ph: 61 2 9238 8222

Company Overview

LaserBond (LBL) is an Australian heavy industrial surface engineering company that specialises in the advanced cladding of worn machine components using their proprietary laser technology. Founded in 1992, LBL’s technological leadership hasfostered engrained relationships with global blue-chip clients and is now well poised for accelerated US & European market growth.

Proprietary technology pivotal to LBL’s sustainable growth

LBL’s technology has been proven over 30 years to restore worn component surfaces to last 5-10x longer at <2x the cost of new parts. Key catalysts ahead are (1) accelerating the licensing of this technology to global OEMs, and (2) increasing sales of LBL branded high wear-resistant products, e.g. steel mill rolls. We are forecasting +14.6% sales and +34.8% EPS CAGR over the next 4 years.

Strong ROFE accretion ahead, and turbo-charged with an acquisition

With a new VIC cladding cell just installed and 2-3 tech sales expected for FY22, LBL looks fully invested and poised for strong top-line growth which we expect to drive ROFE accretion from 14.9% FY21 to 29.7% FY25. LBL is also seeking an acquisition (2H-FY22+ guidance), and if history is a guide, its balance sheet could fund +17.5% FY21 pro-forma EPS accretion via a <2x EBITDA transaction.

Key markets are increasingly ripe for disruption

Rising cost and ESG concerns are driving heavy industries to adopt sustainable solutions to their machinery wear & tear problem (~3.5%+ of GDP and ~3.0% of energy consumption globally). While LBL is in a microcosm here due to size, sector focus and geographic reach, a generational opportunity is emerging for LBL to outperform the +6.5% 5yr laser cladding global sector CAGR.

Valuation summary

We have valued LBL using a mix of DCF and peer EV/EBITDA methods. Our analysis suggests an interim fair valuation of $1.10-$1.20 per share. Given our baseline forecasts do not factor in any acquisitions, there is clear valuation upside risk should LBL deliver on an accretive 2H-FY22 acquisition.

Company Details

  • Stock Code: LBL
  • Last Close: 79.0cps (84 cps on 17-Sep-2021)
  • Market Cap: $75.9m (now $81.6m on 17-Sep-2021)
  • Enterprise Value: $75.2m
  • Shares on Issue: 96.1m
  • Sector: Capital Goods
  • Index: None

Top 5 Shareholders

  1. Wayne Hooper 11.52%
  2. Diane Hooper 10.17%
  3. Rex Hooper 7.17%
  4. Lillian Hooper 5.79%
  5. Lornat Pty Ltd. 5.15%

--- end of excerpt - click on link at the top for the full CCZ report on LBL ---

Disclosure:  I do not hold LBL shares, but I do like the company and I'm happy that they have paid off big time for @Wini and others who jumped onboard early on.

Other companies that the ASX sent out free broker reports on today included Cogstate, Silex Systems, Calix, Predictive Discovery, Playside Studios and Toys"R"Us, and @laoshi has posted links to all of those reports here.

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Valuation of $1.110
Added 3 years ago
A high quality business with several desirable attributes: - 15.4% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) in revenue over 3 years - 30% CAGR in net profit after tax (NAPT) over 3 years - 2 analysts forecasting earnings growth of 26.4% over the next 3 years (Simply Wall Street data) - Future ROE 25.5% - debt free - Hooper family own over 40% of the business. - trade marked laser hard facing technology to significantly reduce wear on ground engaging tools in mining, construction and agriculture with a reasonable barrier to entry by competitors. Valuation: Assuming value = E X PE Value (2023) = $5.15 million / 96 million shares X 26^ = $1.39c per share. I have used a PE of 26. I think this is reasonable given forecast earnings growth of 26.4% YoY over the next 3 years (ie. PEG = 1) and forecast ROE of 25.5%. Discounted at 10% per year = $1.39 X 0.8 = $1.11 Disc: Held IRL
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#Broker / Analyst Views
Added 3 years ago

24-Feb-2021:  CCZ Equities Research: Laserbond (LBL): Stronger second half expected, Products division performing well

Analyst:  Daniel Ireland,, +61 2 9238 8239

Stronger second half expected, Products division performing well

  • Recommendation: BUY
  • Target Price: 83cps (previous 108cps)
  • Market Capitalization: $54m
  • Index: None
  • Share Price: 56cps (26-Feb-2021:  59.5cps)
  • Sector: Industrials
  • First half update: LBL declared 1H21 revenue and EBITDA of $11.8 M and $3.1M respectively (vs $11.3M and $2.7M pcp up +4.8% and +13.4%). The result was lower than expectations, largely due to COVID-19 restrictions causing delays in interstate transportation of parts to LBL’s facilities in NSW, SA and Victoria. Most notably, LBL’s softer services revenue that experienced delayed sales from new customers and reduced maintenance servicing for large mining and manufacturing businesses. However, the company is expecting a stronger second-half contribution from the services division (46% of group revenues 1H21) with the company declaring a ‘record volume of open quotes for active opportunities that currently exceeds $10M, with much of this work expected to proceed’.
  • Services softer, Product sales strong: LBL displayed strong product sales during the first half ($6.3M up from $4.36M, +45% vs pcp), due to a product reconfiguration from a material OEM customer, combined with strong general demand. Management also highlighted several new products will add to the current sales momentum, including NanoClad© and EClad© which are close to commercialisation and promise to disrupt significant addressable markets. With lockdowns interrupting business conditions in 1H21, United Surfacing Technologies (UST), which was acquired in June 20, is expected to rebound in the second half, regaining the lost momentum caused by lockdowns in Victoria.
  • Technology Division: LBL have ‘two promising local opportunities and one international opportunity under negotiation’, and we expect more opportunities will open as border restrictions ease. This will enable LBL’s sales force to meet customers face to face, further increasing tech sales and licensing revenues. The company noted that a technology sale in the US was imminent, subject to final testing, however we have not included these in our numbers given the uncertainty in timing (tech sales have traditionally added between $1.2M-$1.7M revenue for a core laser cladding cell, $200K in licensing revenue and $1M in consumables pa).
  • Valuation: We reduced our valuation to $0.83 per share (previously $1.08) taking into account a weaker services contribution. We have reduced our estimates for FY21 Revenue to $27M and NPAT to $3.3M (CCZ prior forecast Rev $32.3M and NPAT $4.2M) excluding technology sales in the second half in our assumptions. We have also reduced the company’s Fy22 $40M revenue target and only included organic revenue growth as it remains unclear as to the timing of an acquisition which is required to reach the company’s stated target.

--- click on the link at the top for the full CCZ report on LBL ---

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#Broker / Analyst Views
Added 4 years ago

11-Nov-2020:  CCZ Equities Research: Laserbond Limited (LBL): Australian industrial company going global

Analyst:  Daniel Ireland,, +61 2 9238 8239

  • Initiating Coverage - Laserbond (LBL): LBL’s products and services reduce the maintenance costs for critical machinery, with maintenance largely determined by corrosion and abrasion as key determinants in the useful life of machinery parts. The process known as laser cladding, enables parts and machinery to be protected from harsh conditions thus improving wear life. These services/products maintain mission critical parts used in manufacturing and minerals extraction, with life improvements ranging between 2x-20x a standard part. The cost to buy and maintain such machinery is a considerable cost, whilst downtime experienced during replacement compounds this expense. LBL’s laser cladded products and services protect machinery from this wear.
  • Significant Industry Potential: Abrasion wear is estimated to cost up to 4% of GDP, with estimates of circa $30B pa across Australian industry alone. Industry research have found that even a modest improvement in wear life of critical components is crucial to improve the efficiency of capital-intensive industries. The applications for LBL’s technology are far reaching, across multiple industries and applications, with many avenues yet to be explored. LBL’s products have proven to significantly increase wear life, offering a cost-effective alternative to discarding parts once worn.
  • High Barriers to Entry and Strong Growth: LBL’s heat diffusion process reduces the temperature required when laser cladding, resulting in a harder and longer lasting surface finish compared to traditional cladding methods. The company’s IP, a ‘methodology around surface application’ has been built over two decades of experience. Combination of expanding sales in the US and imminent R&D technology commercialisation could see LBL increase sales 2x within 5-7 years.
  • Significant profit growth forecast in Fy21: Strong organic revenue for Services and Products (CCZ forecasts 11% & 20% vs ˜10% & 20% from LBL) in Fy21, combined with the 12-month integration of United Surface Technologies will accelerate revenue growth (CCZ forecast $32.3M Fy21, up 45% on Fy20). CCZ estimates the company will execute 1 Technology sale per annum (vs ˜LBL 1 in Fy21 & 2 thereafter), aided by the recurring support and services.

--- click on the link at the top for the full CCZ report on LBL ---

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Valuation of $0.940
Added 4 years ago
Updated on 13th Feb 2020
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Valuation of $0.490
Added 5 years ago
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