CVB will be added soon @Jimmy - as soon as S&P add it to their data feed - CVB (Curvebeam AI) only listed in August (21st Aug) and S&P can take a couple of months to update their database with new listings. Lots of escrowed shares as part of the float @Jimmy - see here: CVB-Admission-and-Quotation-21-August-2023.PDF so be aware of those - as there might be some selling pressure at the times that those shares are released from escrow. Most are escrowed for either 12 months or for 24 months from the listing date (21-Aug-23). There are also a heap of escrowed options that have exercise prices ranging from 22.5 cents to 80.16 cents. There are also 93,750 options with a $0 exercise price. There are also 43,750 share rights. All are escrowed for at least 12 months, but things could get interesting after that.