Forum Topics LVT LVT New restructure

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Added 9 months ago

I've been meaning to write something about LVT for a while, and I want to get my thoughts down before the new 4C in the next week or two. I also want to keep track of my evolving thinking on this company for my own reference in future.

This new announcement is a good kick up the backside to get on with it: Restructure and Cost Reduction Program to Achieve Cashflow

The latest is yet more restructure and cost reductions. The new one is to save $16.2M/year, which is about a third of their total operating expenses based on their June quarter 4C. This seems optimistic, to put it lightly.

At any rate, it's of academic interest to me now, as I sold out after that June quarter 4C. This was based on this set of data:


Post Dec 4C thesis:

"Well, they've got the new cost-saving measures in place, even though I can't see it in the data yet. Hold on and see what the Mar 4C brings."


Post Mar 4C thesis:

"Well, costs seem to be decreasing faster than revenue decreasing, so maybe there's something there. Hold on and see what the Jun 4C brings. With the EOFY maybe the company can get a buyout offer."


Post Jun 4C thesis:

"Costs up, in particular, the staff costs that were supposedly part of their cost reduction program. Revenue down, while marketing is up a lot! Losses getting worse. Share price trending down and still no buyout offer. Sell."

After all that, I'm dubious that the new structure will change the direction.

9 months ago

I am amazed this company is still alive, its a cash burning machine.

After their failed attempt to go private I thought for sure they'd be bankrupt by now.


9 months ago

Wow @AUROPAL, yeah amazing to think Livetiles was valued at over $280m back in 2018 (now just $7m)

And back then it had just $5m in revenues (do they maths on that P/S!).

Of course, they grew this extremely well in the subsequent years -- revenue had 10x'd by FY22!! I can see why it'd look interesting to investors. you say, the scale never came. The share count exploded from 470m to over 1000m shares on issue today. And it looks like the plan now is to cut their way to greatness... Not usually a good sign.

Also interesting to note they are carrying over $59m in intangible assets (mainly goodwill from acquisitions) on the balance sheet and have accumulated losses of over $186m.