Forum Topics LBL LBL 2023 AGM

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Added 9 months ago

Wayne Cooper spoke at the AGM today -- I didn't attend, but in the release to the ASX there was an update on the revenue growth so far for FY24.

Before that, it's worth highlighting (as Wayne did) the last 3 year's worth of growth:


So far in FY24, the company has seen revenue increase by 12.6% above the same period last year. (he actually makes the comparison to FY22 but I assume that's a typo)

At any rate, in his words, the company is "well positioned and primed to continue its strong growth". He once again emphasised the investment made in people, skills and equipment.

Importantly, Wayne reiterated the FY25 revenue target of $60m. Obviously, that's great to hear. But it will require an acceleration of the average growth achieved in recent years, and a doubling of the growth seen in the first quarter.

I've lined up a meeting with Wayne for November 21 to see if we can't get a better grip on the reasons behind this expectation. But if they get anywhere near that target, and more or less maintain margins, the current PE of 20 seems rather tame.

Disc. Held

9 months ago

First Quarter 2023 earnings were 9.457m.

First Quarter 2024 earnings +12.6% = ~10.65m.

They continue to have a strong conviction on their target of 60m by FY2025.


I remember them saying at some stage that the acquisition would be part of the calculation to reach that target. ( hopefully, they don't chase it to fulfill this stupid aspiration target). As you can see I am not a fan of management disclosing over-ambitious target. I hope this works out best for Laserbond.


9 months ago

Laserbond are thinking and I am hoping that significant revenue growth will come from their Technology division. They have flagged deals in the pipline but they seem just out of reach at the moment.....


9 months ago

I don’t see the target as being a stretch at all. The business has taken off in the last few years and on current trend I think they achieve it.

The Table below shows how in the last two years growth has begun to take off. We can see that revenue increased +6m in 2022 and then +8m in 2023. Using a rather crude method of adding +2m each year (2024 = 38m +10m = 48m; 2025 = 48m + 12m = 60m) to the previous year sees them achieving 60m in 2025.


At the AGM in 2022 they have listed off how they would achieve the 60m Revenue Target. This was the year their Revenue was 30.7m.



I think 2022 revenue had victoria expansion acquisition and 2023 has qld acquisition - not all organic growth.


9 months ago

Yes QSP was purchased in QLD in 2022. This has no doubt helped with a faster QLD expansion and improved serviceability without having to start from scratch. Actually the complimentary nature of QSP could not have been a better fit for LBL. Similar founder-led story.