Forum Topics NAN NAN Coris development

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Last edited 9 months ago

As Nanosonic is one of my big holdings, I keep an eye on all available public information.

My speculation is that Nanosonic will announce coris product along with 1st half 2024 report. All the signs are telling me that it is coming closer.

One of the mandatory compliance requirements for any electronic equipment is to complete FCC part 15 radio frequency test. which provides a CE mark here is the result of the test which has an issue date of 16th August 2023

It was initially tested on 21-22nd March and then again on 31st July and 1st August ( Probably, something wasn't right in march but has been rectified and retested)

A few other indications in their FCC filing - a few things are permanent confidential and few things are short-term confidential i.e user manual, External photos until 13th Feb 2024. - which is around the time 1H result will be announced.


9 months ago

Great sleuthing @Valueinvestor0909 -- I'm really keen to see what Coris can do.


from the report



9 months ago

Sorry, I mean what it can do for Nanosonic's bottom line!


Not sure about the future, but currently it is reducing the bottom line quite significantly... Even if the expense goes away it will be a good boost. Unless management find new toy to eplore.


9 months ago

the great thing about this is the TAM for endoscopes is huge! Great investigation, thanks.