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@Nnyck777 while on the subject of $NEU, I am a little surprised at recent SP action (and yes, I have heard about the bond market).
If you analyse the 5-yr VA framework contract, which has had little press but is the real thing, extrapolate it across the US with a reasonable build profile, you get some of the numbers we were modelling earlier this year. In fact almost bang on my central case. Plus $ACAD have indicated EU and Japan timelines in line with my central case too.
Oh well, patience is a virtue. $ACAD quarterly and updated forecast only a few days away. I am wondering if I have enough exposure to this one. But confidence always takes a hit when bond rates smash even quality growth. (That said, I have been quietly selling the index and accumulating $CSL, $WTC, $ALU and, yes, even more $PNV in RL,… the latter not being quality growth … yet.)