I wanted to have a look at how the NHS is progressing in its digitalisation stratgy.
So I teamed up with my new buddy Bing Chat Enterprise to generate this list of 40+ accouncements for EMR systems from over the last two years. These are much bigger investments that for $ALC's products. The contract sizes range from about GBP8m right up to GBP50m. (I have not personally verified the whole list, however, a sample do check out.)
I note that the 2023 list is shorter (pro rata) than 2022.
I wondered though, with so many decsions being taken on big EMR platforms, whether that may be one issue for $ALC for the following reasons:
- The EMR is a big financial commitment, In the run up to making it and in the aftermath, spending on other systems many be squeezed
- In the run up to an EMR procurement decision, it may be hard to get management to take decision on patient flow and other solutions. This could be for reasons including: attention focused on EMR bundles of functionality (which may obviate the need for $ALC investment) and questions of inter-operability
- Both in the run-up to and aftermath from an EMR decision, human capacity in the NHS Trust will likely be focused on the success of the EMR. $ALC may be struggling for attention, in some cases.
So, an alternative hypothesis is: "$ALC is reporting slow decsion-making on new contracts, because the systems attention is elsewhere?"
Here is the AI-facilitated list (enjoy)
- September 2023: Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust selected Cerner as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- August 2023: Alder Hey Children’s NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to DXC Technology to deliver its Lorenzo EMR system.
- July 2023: Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust signed a contract with System C to implement its CareFlow EMR system.
- June 2023: University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust selected Epic as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- May 2023: The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with Civica to implement its Cito EMR system.
- May 2023: Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust selected Cerner as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- April 2023: Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust selected Cerner as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- April 2023: Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust extended its contract with Cerner to implement its Millennium EMR system across its five hospitals.
- March 2023: Barnsley Hospital NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to DXC Technology to deliver its Lorenzo EMR system.
- March 2023: Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to Allscripts to deliver its Sunrise EMR system.
- February 2023: The Hillingdon Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with InterSystems to implement its TrakCare EMR system.
- February 2023: Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with Epic to implement its EMR system across its four hospitals.
- January 2023: St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust selected Epic as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- January 2023: Liverpool University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust selected Cerner as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- December 2022: Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to System C to deliver its CareFlow EMR system.
- December 2022: Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust extended its contract with Cerner to implement its Millennium EMR system across its three hospitals.
- November 2022: North Bristol NHS Trust signed a contract with Allscripts to implement its Sunrise EMR system.
- November 2022: Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to InterSystems to deliver its TrakCare EMR system.
- October 2022: Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust extended its contract with Cerner to implement its Millennium EMR system across its three hospitals.
- October 2022: King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with Epic to implement its EMR system across its four hospitals.
- September 2022: Luton and Dunstable University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to Epic to implement its EMR system across its two hospitals.
- September 2022: Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust selected Cerner as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- August 2022: East Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust signed a contract with Civica to implement its Cito EMR system.
- August 2022: Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to DXC Technology to deliver its Lorenzo EMR system.
- July 2022: Dorset County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust selected Cerner as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- July 2022: Birmingham Women’s and Children’s NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with System C to implement its CareFlow EMR system.
- June 2022: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to DXC Technology to deliver its Lorenzo EMR system.
- June 2022: East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust selected Cerner as its preferred supplier for its new EMR system.
- May 2022: Portsmouth Hospitals University NHS Trust signed a contract with InterSystems to implement their TrakCare EMR system.
- May 2022: Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust extended their contract with Cerner to implement their Millennium EMR system across their three hospitals.
- April 2022: Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust selected Epic as their preferred supplier for their new EMR system.
- April 2022: Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust awarded a contract to Allscripts to deliver their Sunrise EMR system.
- March 2022: University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with Epic to implement their EMR system across their two hospitals.
- March 2022: The Newcastle Upon Tyne Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust extended their contract with Cerner to implement their Millennium EMR system.
- February 2022: South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to System C to deliver their CareFlow EMR system.
- February 2022: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust selected Allscripts as their preferred supplier for their new EMR system.
- January 2022: The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust signed a contract with Allscripts to implement their Sunrise EMR system.
- January 2022: Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust awarded a contract to System C to deliver their CareFlow EMR system.
- November 2021: University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with Cerner to implement their Millennium EMR system across their four hospitals.
- November 2021: Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust awarded a contract to DXC Technology to deliver their Lorenzo EMR system.
- October 2021: County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust signed a contract with Civica to implement their Cito EMR system.
- October 2021: Barts Health NHS Trust secured £12m of funding from NHS England and NHS Improvement to invest in a new EMR system and selected Cerner as its preferred supplier.
Note: I don't have an up to date number, but there of the order of 200-250 NHS Trust in the UK, so this is a minor but significant fractoin of the whole.