Hi Dave,
In this example, depreciation + interest expense > annual amount payable ($135,000 once you factor in the incentive) at the beginning of the lease. Once you get out to years 4 and 5, the opposite is true.
In the above example, the rental is a flat amount each year. However VVA would typically have a fixed annual 4% escalator in the rent payable under a lease they sign. These increases mean the ROU and lease liability would be higher at the beginning of the lease, and more interest (and depreciation maybe?) would be booked at the start of the lease.
My belief is that VVA would, on average be in the earlier stage of their leases and that this annual escalator further exacerbates the difference in key PRE and POST AASB 16 metrics that VVA reports. Although I'd definitely take your point that the difference is pretty minor?
Am I making any sense? ????????????