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#ASX Announcements
Added 3 months ago

I haven't posted any commentary on the HY results as I couldn't really pin down my thoughts exactly. Despite making no acquisitions, it was still hard to determine what the actual underlying FCF was.

In regards to the below, it seems ok, but here's the emerging problem I'm starting to see:

VVA have paid approx. 1.2x Rev and 3.5x EBITDA for this acquisition (EBITDA margin expectation is much higher than usual 20%) .

VVA currently trades at approx. 0.8x Rev and 3.7x EBITDA.

There's no public to private arbitrage at the moment.

Assuming a 35% EBITDA to FCF conversion ratio (as per company presentations), a 3.5x EBITDA multiple implies a FCF yield of 10%.

VVA currently pays just under 8% on its debt facilities.

If everything goes to plan, VVA generates an additional $100,000 in FCF on its $5 in additional debt. There may be some additional synergies down the line, but I wouldn't bank on it.


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Valuation of $1.440
Added 8 months ago

November 23:

Market update looked quite positive to me. Key points for me below.





It seems like the business is being pivoted back to its DNA, which is low cost, large format, corporate owned gyms. With the competitive advantage being scale and lower cost of capital than nearly all its direct competitors.

It's simple maths. Acquire on 3-3.5x EBITDA, which equates to somewhere between 5-8x FCF once you factor in maintenance capex. If your WACC is below this, you can exploit the arbitrage. If VVA are acquiring at 8x (a 12.5% FCF yield) and are borrowing at around 10% in a worst-case scenario, they should do well.

Probably trading at around 10x underlying FCF at the moment, Which is probably about right.

August 23:

Results were well received by the market. I think they were ok, but the boutique fitness offering are struggling and I think they need to get more disciplined.

There's a few figures figures which I found interesting from the results. First FCF:

Subtracting all lease repayments, PPE and intangibles expenditure from operating cashflow a (probably harsh because some of it is genuine greenfield capex) I get FCF being $3.7 mil at the absolute lowest.



Using the most dovish assumptions you could get as high as about $9 mil in FCF (subtracting the $3.2 mil in tech spend from FCF shown above.)

The other thing that's interesting is PBT on a pre vs post AASB basis.


My understanding (correct me if I'm wrong) is that AASB 16 means that the annual increases in rent under the leases VVA has signed are "Straight Lined" and then discounted at an incremental borrowing rate, so the future increases in rent are actually factored into todays NPAT figure.

Given the amount of Capex that VVA has undertaken, I'd expect FCF to exceed NPAT going forward.

Sticking with the same valuation for now.

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#Bear Case
Added 2 years ago

Great valuation @PeregrineCapital

my only question is around the viability of gym memberships in a recession/downturn.

Having lived through a few of these, it would seem

likely that the number of member subscriptions will reduce significantly. Gym memberships are one of the first things to get axed by the subsection of punters that might be classed as “the well intentioned non-attender. “

Im unclear of the fraction of gym memberships that might fall into this category but I think it’s not insignificant. Admittedly a lot more people are regular gym goers than in previous years. And might hang onto a their membership longer. But gyms have traditionally fared badly in downturns.


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Valuation of $3.50
Added 5 years ago
Valuation is somewhat arbitrary being a newly listed with an aggressive focus on both organic and acquisition growth. Cash flow positive. Beat prospectus guidance for FY19. Member numbers rose 8% organically, and 52% overall thanks to greenfield sites and acquisitions. Management has outlined an acquisition pipeline of 24 sites, all on the eastern seaboard. An added bonus will be dividend payments expected to commence FY20
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